
I wasnt that much of a drinker either lol but Im feeling the need for one ALOT hahaha
Its a bugger! I still have just under 7 months and I need a drink already?? :shock: haha
I tell you what I do need, a good night out with the girls! I think I will see if they are out tonight! Just because I cant drink, I can still have a good time and get on the karaoke!
Im seriously down today! I have no idea why but I need to try and halt it as I dont want to have to take my pills while pregnant! :(:(:(
choklatemunky said:
Satch so how far along will you be June 2nd then? (cant see you ticker when Im typing this)

I'll be a day before week 11.
lea m said:
Im seriously down today!

:( :hug: chin up chuck

Ok girls I am panicking a bit now.....

I work full time (I know you wouldnt guess from how much Im on here but thats what having internet access at work does to a girl) :lol:

The job I do is fairly easy going most of the time although there can be a bit of pressure when we get busy. I have been worrying a bit in the back of my mind lately - as part of my job involves something pretty stressful and I was hoping that 'part' wasnt going to come up any time soon (i.e. before I tell work the situation :wink: as Im not sure that its a good idea for me to have to deal with these 'parts' of the job and all the stress etc). Its not something I have to do particularly often so I thought it would be ok - I dont think work would make me do it once they know, but cant be sure, and its a little difficult in that, at the moment, I am the only one here who can do this 'part' of the job! I work in a really small company.

Sorry I know its all a bit cryptic. :oops:

Anyhooo, my plan was to just keep quiet and hope this 'part' of the job didnt come up (as like I say its not even a monthly occurance usually) but we have just got an email from a client asking me to deal with one of these things and I dont know what to do......I dont want to tell work about my PG yet - if I dont, I will have to do this thing and deal with all the stress that comes with it, and that worries me as I know stress isnt good for me now, I know I could just tell work the situation, but I dont want to tell some of my family til much later on and I dont feel right telling work before my family :(

What the hecky-peck am I gonna do?
What would you do?

Help meeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee!
Aww Chok, its a tricky one as we dont know many of the details (I understand that you have told us everything you can). How long would the 'part' go on for? If it was only a couple of days, could you fain illness to get out of it? If it is more long term, perhaps you can come up with a different reason to say that you cant do it?

I dont think you should feel pressurised into telling work this early so if there is a way to get out of it (even if you have to be a bit rude) I think you should...on the other hand, there is all the worry that the porkies might cause you :wall: :wall:

Im not much help am I :( sorry :(
Hi ladies :wave:

Chok I think in that situation you'd be best to tell someone - if it's a small company just go to the top, have a word with the boss but say you want it to be kept confidential at this point. He shouldn't tell anyone unless it's absolutely necessary you know, and you can always ask him to let you know if he thinks he will have to tell anyone. It's not worth risking the stress - your baby is what's important :hug:

Hi to everyone else :wave:

I haven't told ANYONE yet, OH really doesn't want to for the time being. I really want to tell my mum & sister but unfortunately they're both enormous gossips so I can't risk it.

We're going away next week with a load of OH's old school friends & their families (just up to a cottage in Staffs but should be fab :D ) and I think we may have to tell them because I won't be drinking and there'll be a LOT of wine flowing!

My MW appointment went well, we just filled in all the paperwork & she gave me the slips to go & get my blood tests done in the next week. I got my bounty pack too :cheer: . It's the same midwife I had for most of my last pregnancy and she's lovely. She's really supportive of home births as well so I should be able to have another one.

Right that was a huge post, I'm sure I haven't written everything I was thinking though!
:lol: Im sure you all think Im a right nutter reading back thro that.
Sorry still a bit paranoid!

Yeah it would prob only be two days max, maybe only 1 - but the thing is, I dont like that part of the job under normal circumstances but have learned to live with it as it doesnt happen often

However, the tricky thing is I had a bit of a blow up with the boss last month about it as it came up then too (as I say doesnt usually happen often tbh). I said I didnt want to do it and we had a bit of a row really, no shouting or anything but I did end up in tears over it as I really didnt want to do it.....also the one last month was worse as it involved staying away and I didnt want to do that either - I had to do it tho, she was really off with me over it and said things like we couldnt have a situation where no-one in the firm could do that part of the job and so made me feel like if I didnt go I'd lose my job or something....she practically accused me of feining illness the time before when I was meant to do it (last year)although I was actually signed off by the Dr at that time!!!!!

Oh I can just see this all blowing up well out of proportion - its stressing me now and its not even happening yet! Crapbags.

Because of whats happened before I dont think there is an excuse/illness I can use....particularly cos of what she said about it last month. I do see her point in part but the other part of me thinks - well its not my problem no-one else can do these things! I was thinking of asking the Dr for a note saying something about avoiding stress (but not specifically about PG) but I dunno for starters if they would, or even if I got one whether the boss would beleive me!

Its all so pants as I am making my job sound so bad but I love the rest of it and its a good job...My boss is usually lovely and if I want the odd day off here and there I always get it, but its just this one thing we fall out over! :(
Hi everyone!! :wave:
I LOVE this thread - it's just like being in chart stalkers!
I too have forgotten ost of what I have just read - sorry :oops:
Chok - that sounds complicated :hug:
I'm worried now peeps seem to have dates for MWs and scans!! I'e only put my wee sample in to get it confirmed (although I am still testing every morning :oops: so i kow it is real!)

On the telling people thing - My oldest froend lives in Oz and he popped up on msn when I had just done my first test - so I told him. Also I have told one good friend who has 3 kids as i wanted someone to be excited with other than DH!! And I can ask her questions about things too - although obviously I can ask on here as well....

think I will tell the parents at around 7 weeks as it is my dad's birthday - thought that would be nice! And I won't be able to contain myself.

Am confused about due dates - my cycles have all been weird lengths so how do you work it out? The online thing I did said Dec 27th, but ff said Dec 30th. Does the doc/MW help you work it out?

I have been feeling queasy the last couple of days but i think it was just excitement / nerves! More normal today and keep wanting to eat yogurt!!

Hoe eeryone is ok :hug: :wave:
Hiya kmac. I wasn't expecting to see the midwife until 10 weeks but she phoned and said to come in this week so I was happy to! She said it usually takes 3 weeks to get the scan date through.

My cycles were pretty irregular too, I explained to the MW but she just worked out an estimated date based on me having a 28 day cycle. She said the cycle date is usually only used to work out the best date for the 12 week scan as it's the date they work out then that they actually go by.

So as far as I know I'm due between 16th & 21st December (although I was a week overdue with DS so it doesn't make a lot of difference anyway!)
god you lot can talk lol :rotfl:

chok hun can you not just tell your boss and swear her to secrecy i really dont think you should do this part of your job i can see just from reading on here how much stress its causing you already and thats not good :hug: :hug: :hug: im really worried about you now :( and from what you said not telling her and refusing to do it is going to cause big rows and more stress anyway
it is your right as a pregnant woman under health and safety to not be put under any stress :hug: xxx

ive got to tell my works when i go back 2moro as big part of my job is up and down ladders and carrying stock up and down stairs which i obviously cant do now its not worth the risk :shakehead:
2moro will be really boring now as il have to have the risk assessment :bored: and be told a million and 1 things im not allowed to do which basically leaves working on the till every shift from now on
its quite funny actually we have a list from head office which lists what we are not allowed to do and its got things like
hoover mopping polishing bending stretching :rotfl:
who do they think does mine at home the bloody fairies
the only good thing on there is that i have to have a break halfway through my shift i only do 4 hours at a time so not allowed a break normally but cos im pg i have to have 15 mins to have a sit down and a drink :cheer:

hi kmac hun :wave: the doctor or midwife will take your 1st day of last af to work out and they will stick with that till you have your dating scan then they will use that xxx

maybebaby glad appointment went well hun :D xxx

sorry if ive missed anyone xxxxxxxx
rach said:
god you lot can talk lol :rotfl:

Rach - :rotfl: Look at the size of your last post Mrs! :rotfl: :rotfl: Perhaps your work will come round to your house and do the mopping there too? :D

Kmac - I would go with what FF says for your due date...we have been listening to FF up until now so why stop! :lol:

Maybebaby - I spent last weekend with friends and I made up loads of porkies as to why I was not drinking and they fell for it so be inventive if you dont want to tell them just yet!

Chok - try not to worry about work too much - if you need to tell them then there is not a lot you can do about it :(

Babydust - hope your girls are feeling OK

Hope everyone else is OK tonight too :wave:
Hiya :wave: Can I stick my oar into this thread too?! Due 23rd December,same day as sally12 and satch!

But saw doctor yesterday and he was convinced my EDD is 25th Dec and thats what he put on the notes :shock:

He said I will get a MW appt for 8-10 weeks, talked loads about what foods not to eat etc - was really nice!

Anyway, absolutely everyone at my work knows now. Long story but thats about 40 people! Wasn't happy but was finding it impossible to keep it a secret because of the risks involved in my work and the rumour mill soon started turning!
sally i know :shock: i think i talk way to much :oops:
think i tend to waffle a bit when im pg xxx

hi alice :wave: xxx

im going to put christopher to bed have a soak in bath and watch the soaps then order a chinese for when o/h gets in from work :D see you all 2moro :wave: xxx

thats it not saying any more tonight :shakehead: xxxxx
I didnt mean to upset you Rach!!! Come on...keep on chatting with know you want to! :rotfl: :rotfl: I waffle when I am not pregnant so there is no hope for me!

Hi Alicebabe :wave: Nice to see you x
:shock: i am finding it hard to catch up here
chok i think you should tell your boss and ask her not to tell anyone, this thing you need to do sounds way to stressfull for you, cant your boss do it? :shakehead: its annoying my now what it is is it a secret mission to assasinate someone :think:
:wave: hi alice

:doh: need to go girls wont let dh wash their hair :x
Hey hey ladies!!!!!! How are we all then? :) Well going by FF my EDD is 26th nov although the MW gave me 30th nov but im sticking with the first date as thats closest :cheer: So far for me ive only had nausea which is early morning and at night which isnt to bad (thankfuly not been sick) yet! Im hoping my scan app will be through either this week or next i dont think i can wait any longer :dance:
:talkhand: nope you cant make me :shakehead: i will not be persuaded :rotfl: :rotfl: :rotfl:

right i really am going now i have to watch the soaps before o/h gets in from work at 10 or he will moan for britain i have to tape them as always to busy to watch them when they are on so try and watch them as soon as baby in bed

:hug: for everyone including sally even if she does say i talk to much :shakehead: :rotfl: only joking hun :hug:
see you all in morning xxxxxxxxxx
I think ive joined a bit too late here lost in the conversation :lol:

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