
Im back :wave:

Well, my MW is lovely! She is the girl I will see all the way through (but not at the birth). She even gave me a mobile number to call her if i have any questions... :shock: Is this normal or perhaps I am v special?!! :rotfl:

Didnt want to scare any of you about the ectopic :oops: The MW didnt agree with my doctor from last week and said that there is no need to scan before I fly... sorry if I have worried any of you :oops:

She took lots of blood and I need to take a urine sample in tomorrow. I have lots to read too!

I am getting a dating scan asap (got to ring hosp next week to find out when it is) because they think i could be anywhere between 5 weeks and 9 weeks. I KNOW I am nowhere near 9 weeks because of FF but she didnt seem to think that my charting indicated anything :( If my scan shows that I am about 5 weeks then they will give me another one at about 12 weeks to make sure everything is OK.

I still cant believe this is happening to me :D I really do feel like the luckiest woman in the world!!! :rotfl:

Rach - good to see that you are settling in to your new home :hug:

:wave: maybebaby

Babydust - try not to worry too much (easier said than done!)
Glad you have a lovely MW - I wouldnt know whats normal as i dont have one!

My Dr told me off for charting when I went in about ttc.....I ignored her as I still think its a great way to get to know whats going on with your body etc (it was the same Dr who said EVERYONE ovulates exactly 2 weeks before their period :roll: the muppet :doh: ) some medical professionals see charting as great and others think its a right waste of time....I think the ones who think its a waste of time are the ones who don't properly understand it or who havent any experience of it and I stand by its usefulness.
I agree Chok! :D

If I were 9 weeks pg I think i would have a few more symptoms than tummy twinges and overgrown boobies! :rotfl:

Doctors hey! :roll:
hiya i'm due 27th December :shock: it's mad realy as my son's birthday is in november then it's xmas then baby is born then my daughter is born in january lol it's going to be expective
Hay I join in? :D
Im Leanne (but call me Lea) and im due around the 28th November!! :D
Anna, did you have to remind me?
In December we have Oh's son on the 2cd, his brother on the 3rd, his twin sons on the 15th, his other brothers on the 20th, his nephews on the 23rd, xmas lol then my sis on the 27th! Then in Jan its my grandeds 6th, my daughters 7th, then mine 8th, OH's daughter on the 12th, my mam 17th and OH dad 19th!!! :shock:
Somewhere in the begining of decemberI will have pip too!! Probably the 4th haha
Sooooo many birthdays! This was why I wanted to get pg in the summer lol I was aiming for an April baby haha no other birthdays in April!
:wave: Anna & Lea!
Wow thats a lot of birthdays for you guys to deal with around xmas time - which is bad enough by itself usually!
My DH is convinced Im going to have LO on Xmas Day (due 16th Dec) and says he isnt going anywhere til he's had his roast dinner! :rotfl: Ive got news for him!
Tell me about it haha
Awww thats funny! I would be guuted though missing my xmas dinner to give birth hahaha :rotfl: I just love xmas dinner hee hee
Hi to you all, :wave:
I'm Sam, just pregnant with 3rd, i have 2 daughters, one 16 yrs the other 4yrs. I'm due on 1st jan :cheer:
Its soooo nice to have this site to be able to chat with others in the same situation, especially with not telling people yet, although i did tell my eldest daughter yesterday as i wanted to look at prams in mothercare, dh is adamant we don't need a new pram, so i dragged dd instead :wink:
Congratulations to you all :hug: :hug: :hug:
ok anyone else suffering extreme pregnancy brain already ?????
i am :oops: i can see im going to have to read this thread 20 times a day to keep up its obviously going to be busy :D i got to the end and forgot everything i read but im going to find a piece of paper and come back :rotfl: xxxxx
the answer to your question rach is a big yes :wall: i have to keep putting reminders in my phone :? i just hope i don't forget to fetch my dd from school :doh:
ok now i cant find a pen :rotfl:
sorry if i miss anyone xxx

hi :wave: to all new joiners hope you are all well and congrats on your bfps :cheer: hope you all have a happy healthy 9 months xxx

sally great news about the midwife hun and the scans ooh how exciting wont be long and you will get to meet your baby :D xxx

chok my doctors are the same :roll: they think everyones the same and that charting is not a good idea and not accurate :shock: xxx

well going back to birthdays in december (sorry cant remember now who it was :oops: ) december is a perfect month for me as only have 2 birthdays and xmas march when my last baby was born was horrific i have about 18 birthdays in march and 8 of those are big expensive ones so im quite happy to have a december baby lol xxxxxxxxx
ooh i know what else lol the have we told anyone bit???

well i told o/h and you lot lol and told o/h he was not to tell anyone and suprise suprise everyone who comes into contact with o/h now knows :shock: im furious as ive not told anyone not even work and o/h even told the girl who works in our local shop all his family all his work mates he told our oldest son and all our neighbours my bloody mother doesnt even know yet :evil:
anyway rant over :rotfl: :rotfl: :rotfl:
rach said:
ooh i know what else lol the have we told anyone bit???

well i told o/h and you lot lol and told o/h he was not to tell anyone and suprise suprise everyone who comes into contact with o/h now knows :shock: im furious as ive not told anyone not even work and o/h even told the girl who works in our local shop all his family all his work mates he told our oldest son and all our neighbours my bloody mother doesnt even know yet :evil:
anyway rant over :rotfl: :rotfl: :rotfl:

:shock: OMG I'd be fuming!
My DH has been sworn to secrecy - he is doing well, (so far as I know anyway) but I know he has found it hard not to tell his two girls. He is one of those ppl who always ends up saying something silly and putting his foot in it so I am half expecting him to blurt out something to someone at some point :roll: I hope he doesnt, at least not yet - men eh?
Only told my mum so far (and you girls) and of course DH. I think we're going to keep it that way until I'm further along, although if I continue to feel so sick I might have to tell my boss because I'm not normally someone to be ill and have days off or have to leave work early. I do trust him, but I would be really annoyed if he told someone else. Any ideas of what to do?

So I phoned my midwife today to say hello and book an appointment, but she was sick.

I also phoned the hospital and booked my dating scan which is June 2nd. The lady on the phone was really nice and said "oooh a xmas baby".

OMG this is becoming more real.

Last night when I was sic, my lovely DH was all excited (although I was looking green yelling, find me a hair tie, I need to tie my hair back :twisted: ) . He's excited because I'm getting symptoms - charming! :lol:
:wave: anna,lea, poochielove and sammy :wave:
sally glad the midwife went well, and no its not like the nhs service, you seem to have a good one :D

well im just back, i got called to my dd's nursery she wasnt feeling well and burning up, so i just brought them both home so no housework for me.

all going well with this pregnancy i am due on christmas day but i really hope its before it as my dh would be hopeless at setting all the santa things up for the girls :roll:

anyone else really missing drinking? i usually have a glass of wine when i put the girls down at night and i just dont know what to do with myself now if i didnt feel quilty about leaving dh i would go to bed with the girls.
Ppl seem to be seeing MW etc really early...
My Drs arent even interested yet and Im a bit ahead of you guys (tho not much I know) :?

Satch so how far along will you be June 2nd then? (cant see you ticker when Im typing this)

Babydust - sorry your DD is unwell hope she gets better soon
I wasnt a big drinker anyway really I think its cos Im quite fussy and I dont like much stuff so Im not missing it at all, cant you try Schloer (or non-alcoholic stuff) as thats really nice chilled and that way you will still get the feeling of sitting there relaxing with something (altho I can appreciate its not quite the same) :hug:

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