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Charlie Philip Michael Donnelly - 23/09/07


Well-Known Member
Nov 10, 2006
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Hi all - thanks everyone for their best wishes over the past couple of days. Well after having my induction booked for Sun 23/09 LO decided he was going to start his own way out on Saturday night!!


Woke up and just felt different - don’t know in what way but I said to my OH to be ready to go as I just had a feeing. The plans for that day were to get everywhere clean, tidy and get hospital bag finalised (we were due in at 07:30 the following morning). Our friends came round with their 4 year old and they and my OH went out with our 4 year old for a few hours whilst I had a little chill and tried to start preparing myself for the upcoming induction. My parents came round for a bit and they were going to be taking my daughter home with them for the night.

18:00 - started getting strong BHs every 2-3 mins. My parents decided to go and visit my granddad in hosp whilst they were waiting for my OH to come home with my daughter. The "BH's" were kind of hurting and I started thinking to myself "could this be it?”

18:45 - pains still coming so decided that I better grab some cheese on toast just in case I decided I needed to go to the hosp.

19:00ish - oh returned home with our friends and for some reason I was trying really hard not to show I was getting the pains - I had had so many false alarms that it was starting to get embarrassing!! Friends left and I told my OH what was going on.

20:00ish - pains still coming and not going no matter what I tried. Decided that I needed my parents to come and pick my daughter up NOW. Rang them to see how long they were going to be but didn’t tell them what was going on as didn’t want them to rush round and end up having an accident - turned out that the power of parental intuition kicked in and they knew exactly what was going on!!!

20:30 - phoned labour ward. Explained that I had high BP and that I had an induction planned for the following morning but I was getting pains every 2 mins and they advised that I came in to be looked at. Parents arrived, said goodbye to daughter and we left for hospital.

21:00ish - arrived at hosp and told to go to the assessment area where there were no beds so we had to wait in a waiting room with 2 other couples and I was getting pretty agitated at this point as I'd been getting pains every 2 mins for 3 hours.

21:15 - taken to an available room and was assigned this old fashioned midwife who I swear was going to at some point say something like "women have been doing this for hundreds of years" I would have lamped her one if she had!!! I was really sore by now and she was faffing around trying to take my BP for what seemed like forever. Eventually she said, "It looks like there might be something going on so I'll do an internal" I was like "no sh*t Sherlock get on with it!!" inside. Anyway, turned out I was 5cms dilated and she asked me - well told me to have some diamorphine. I said well gas and air is fine for now thanks but she advised me to have at least half a dose due to my blood pressure. She was right! The diamorphine was brilliant and really relaxed me for a few hours.

10:00 – moved to the delivery suite now feeling a lot more comfortable and a LOT more spaced out (but in a good way!). Met the midwife who would be delivering the baby and she was an absolute star. OH decided to have a go on the gas and air after a little coaxing by me and I tell you now I was lucky to get it back – he thought it was wonderful and it was hysterical when he got collared puffing on it by the midwife!!!

01:00 - moving on a bit, contractions started to get worse and by now I wanted more drugs!! The midwife said that she would re-examine me at 02:00 and then think about more drugs – GUTTED!!

01:30 – By this time my waters had broken and I now know what people are talking about when they say its like a mini explosion – didn’t experience that with my daughter. Urge to push becomes unbelievable and little Charlie started to make his way into the world. Guess I wasn’t going to be getting more drugs now then! Apologised to OH and the MW for mooing like a cow!! It is amazing how you have no control over your body at this stage!!

02:12 – after what seemed like 5 mins of pushing (think it was actually half an hour in reality) Charlie Philip Michael Donnelly made an appearance. Happened that quick that I didn’t believe the midwife when I had delivered his head – I thought she was totally lying to me!

He was cleaned, OH cut the cord and he was placed onto me – WOW the feeling of shock, elation and wonder was just amazing.

Spent the next 3 days in hospital as my BP wouldn’t come down and still isn’t back to normal so I am being monitored.

Although at the time I was swearing beyond belief that I wasn’t putting myself through this for a 3rd time you never know – don’t tell my hubby that just yet though!! My midwife was amazing and so supportive and my OH was unbelievable even when he was trying to tell me rubbish jokes and I really wasn’t in the mood!

Anyway, that is my story. Sorry it is so long!




Awwww - fantastic birth story. Thankyou for sharing :D

Congratulations to you all and welcome to the world little man ! :hug:
Congratulations and welcome to the world Charlie :D

What did he weigh? :hug:
Awwww, thats such a lovely birth story!

Congratulations x
Wow, well done and congratulations. He is gorgeous and that was a fantastic birth story!
Congratulations...what a cutie!!!

I so want mine now!! :D
Thanks for sharing your story and photos.

Congratulations to all the family. xxx
Congratulations and well done. Great story and he is gorgeous :D

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