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Charlie Joseph born 21st Feb 2008 @ 2.16am! (Long story!)


Well-Known Member
Apr 22, 2006
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Well it’s only taken me nearly 2 weeks but finally here is my birth story!

I went in to be induced on Wednesday 20th Feb at 10.30am (13 days late). My Mum came with me which was fab whilst DH was still on his course. We decided it would be best to call him if things progressed rather than have him miss his course for nothing. Anyway, I was shown to my bed and I started to get very excited remembering my previous birth experiences and the midwife came shortly after to put me on the trace and explained what would happen. If my cervix was favourable they would brake my waters but it wasn’t. Unfortunately although I was 2cm dilated my cervix too high to get the instrument up there to break them so I had my first gel put in at 12.15pm.

From 1-3pm the ward is closed so me and mum decided to go to Tesco which wasn’t actually allowed but the midwife said she didn’t hear it :oops: . When we got back to the hospital at about 4pm DH had arrived as his course had finished early for the day so we went to the café. I had to be back on the ward by 5.30pm for dinner and to be put back on the trace before being checked again at 6.15pm. The ward was closed again at this point (5-7pm) so neither mum or DH could come with me.

So after another 30 mins hooked up to the trace and another internal it was decided that I would be left over night as there was no change with my cervix and due to my previous c-section they wanted to leave it until the morning to have another gel. So then my DH decided to go home at that point and see our other 2 children while mum would stay until they threw her out :rotfl: . We decided to go off again rather than sit on my bed and wait. We found ourselves in KFC and wondering around the cinema which was when my pains started although mum refused to believe me :rotfl: .

When we got back me and mum just kept wandering around the hospital trying to keep things moving as the pains were getting worse. I went back on the ward and asked the midwife if she would check me before my mum left as I didn’t see the sense in sending her home (30 minute drive) just to come back again but the midwife refused to. I wasn’t happy as I knew it wouldn’t be long. Anyway, mum decided to go home and have a bath in case I called her back. I went to have a bath too and 9.45pm mum rang to tell me she was home. I told her the pains were getting worse and to expect a call!!!!

Once back at my bed a nice midwife came to put me on the trace again and I told her the pains were worse. I was given 2 sleeping tablets which I really wish I hadn’t taken as I felt so drowsy. I finally convinced the midwife to examine me and I was 4cm and in a lot of pain so was transferred to delivery suite.

Struggling to walk and with tears in my eyes I got to delivery and was handed over to a lovely midwife named Jules and I was able to call DH and my mum (12.10am) whilst the pool was being filled and I had the gas and air.

I sat on this weird low bed with the gas and air and MW noticed I was rocking so she gave me the rocking chair. At some point I was hooked up to the mobile waterproof trace and I remember looking at the numbers going up when I had a contraction so the MW turned it away :rotfl: . My mum arrived before DH and realised I had forgotten the video camera so she went back to ward to get it whilst the MW got me in the pool. It starts getting hazy from then and I lost all sense of time even though I apparently asked what time it was frequently and also laughed with mum as I had painted my toenails for the occasion as well as straightened my hair which was now soaked :rotfl: .

The pains now were horrible and I was getting the urge to push. I was only 8cm. The pushing was horrible though as I later discovered baby was face to pubes and all the pushing was in my bum and the pains didn’t go away like they did when I pushed out my 2nd son. The midwife broke my waters and I could feel the baby coming down when I pushed and go back up once I stopped. Then his heart rate dropped and MW decided to get me out. I ended up back on the weird bed on all fours pushing like crazy but again baby was going up and down and not getting anywhere. I decided to go on my back and then at this point I was really struggling begging everyone to get him out. The pain was so intense. Mum said that MW was getting worried and 2 more MW were called in along with trolleys with various instruments on. Thankfully I didn’t realise any of this as I was as high as a kite :rotfl: .

Eventually MW decided to cut me and after one more push Charlie was born at 2.16am weighing 7lb 12oz and god was I relieved but so happy! He’s just so perfect and worth every single minute. It was a fab experience and I wont be doing it again!. Mum filmed him being born too which is lovely and I would recommend people doing this too. It’s for my eyes only though :oops:

I will add pictures of my little man as soon as I have worked out how to!
Thats a great birth story...well done you...did you find the pool helped a lot???
Big hugs and congrats :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug:
Thats a bautiful story - good job you didnt decide to go and watch a film eh.

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