Charity Checkout

Gemma & Jake

Well-Known Member
Mar 5, 2006
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I have come across this site which is another way of giving to charity at no cost to you. When you go on to the site you have to register and pick the charity you would like to support. When you go to buy something over the internet just log in to this site and click on the link to the shop you want to go to . When you buy something through the link a percentage what you spend goes to your charity. There are loads of shops on the website including,, HMV and Next. (I am supporting Tommy's baby charity)
ill do it, just got to decide which charity to choose.

so how does it actually work? do the sites you buy off donate a little for being advertised or somthing?
keslo66 said:
ill do it, just got to decide which charity to choose.

so how does it actually work? do the sites you buy off donate a little for being advertised or somthing?

Yes I think that is how it works.
Just a word of caution, a lot of these charity sites are scams, making far more money for the owners than the charities. Some are giving as little as 5% of their profits (after expenses) to charity.

With charitycheckout, your chosen charity doesn't receive any money until you have £25 in your account - if you shop at Tesco through them, you'll need to spend £2500 before your charity gets a penny. In the meantime, the owners of the site have the donation money in their account earning interest, and if you never make it to £25, they get to keep it.

I've had 6 requests to build sites like this in the last month. As part of the process I get to see their business plans, and they stink. It seems to be the latest 'get rich quick' fad :roll:
I didn't actually realise that you had to raise £25 until they would donate it to the charity. I will stay with Charity Checkout as it doesn't cost me anything and I do buy a lot online so will eventually get to £25. If you know of a better site then let me know. Thanks.
omg y cant people just do things for the good of doing it instead of for thhe money?? :evil:
I have just looked and although some shops are only 1% some are 4% and some are 7%.
There are sites that pay money into a charity everytime you use their search engine... I saw one at work being advertised... sorry I don't have a link and I know it's not the same thing as buying things online but... hey :)

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