Are you a frugalista too?


Well-Known Member
Jan 2, 2006
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I've always been a certain way. When it comes to going out or buying pressies I'll not think twice about spending but I do love a bargain and haunt charity shops. I hate waste and my life is full of hand-me-downs from well meaning family and friends who know if they're throwing something out 'Zoe will have it' :lol:

But there's a name for it, according to my Sunday magazine; I'm a frugalista!

Do you recycle clothes/furniture? Go to charity shops, car boots and....skips?! Grow your own veg?

Let's start a frugalista movement! Join the cause!
Yes! I get most things from Charity shops and car boots! Infact ALL babies stuff so far is from there (including cot, bouncer etc) i just LOVE the feeling of bagging a bargain :dance: i am also pretty good a rummaging and finding bargains! I cant help it, i just want to give pre loved items a home :lol:

Apparently so.
(We read the same Sunday mag. :wink: )

I have been cool all these years and never even knew it! It just used to get called, 'being a tightwad'. I haaaate spending more than necessary. And I have been stigying for years. We have a rather good dump/recycling centre here which has always been good for stuff. It is amazing what people throw away.
Yes I am and im proud of it!!!! I buy alot from charity shops, ebay and use freecycle... i love getting a bargain and also hate waste!
I come from a long line of bargain hunters, who begrudge spending a penny when they don't have to. My nan has been known to walk back into Asda to demand the 40p she was overcharged back :shock: I'm not that bad, but I am very good at getting a bargain *cough* chanel dress for £2.50 *cough* but I don't want to be mean...I buy lots of things second hand for Wills, but some things HAVE to be brand new...such as her bed linen, vests etc
Yes very much so! I have been to a car boot today, and on the way back I picked up a play mat for Tom I won on Ebay for 99p! All Toms clothes are hand me downs. :dance:

When we moved house last year, we hired a skip, and at 2am there were people rumaging around in it, and the were were woken at about 6am to some one saying they were going to get the pushchair to fill it full of our junk :rotfl:
Im in!
Thats definately me. The girls at work laugh at me and they recoil in horror at the thought of wearing second hand clothes but surely Im having the last laugh.

I love a bargin and a good rake through a charity shop. My mum could go out and find anything in a charity shop.

I got an unused pair of rocket dog ballet pumps from a charity shop, they are so lush.
not really. I do buy clothes of ebay but because I like the style of them, not because I want to save money. I also like to get brands for the kids like Roxy, No Added Sugar and have picked up loads of bargains. I like to grow my own veg but this is more to do with the fact I think its better for you then shop veg which has been stored for ages. I am really liking a lot of retro stuff at the moment so will buy furniture if I really like it. I guess I am a mix of frugalista and materialistic.
I'm not sure if i'm classed as one. I dont have a garden so don't grow fruit & veg but would love to if I did. I buy the majority of stuff in the sales esp clothes, shoes (We buy Harrisons clothes from Next and the majority of its from their sales, we buy for the sizes up too so he's kitted out) and I look for all the bargains when food shopping, if there is something I wanna buy I normally trawl the internet to see if I can get it cheaper and I always look up promotional codes. I also go to Carboot sales but I won't go in Charity shops, I find them embarrasing, I think it's because I'm still young and I live in a very chavvy area and worry about what people think and say about me. I also buy things off of ebay, I dont get hand me downs anymore though as my older sister is shorter than me hehe and the rest are younger and Harrison and OH have no one to hand them down stuff.
OMG i love a bargain and have to tell everyone about what i have bought and how cheap it was, i got an amazing wicker moses basket and rocking stand off ebay for £3.70 and its in fab condition and just up the road from me i was mega chuffed :D
I still wear my retro tracky tops, I bought them for 25p or so, but you never get much retro stuff in the charity shops round here.
I definitely am! A charity shop and ebay girl all the way. I hate waste and can normally find nice clothes in charity shops. Can't believe the amount some people spend on non-essentials, especially now with the credit crunch and all.
You guys have inspired me to go have a rummage in a Charity Shop!! There's a few in my town which I've never been in..Oooh, I'm so excited!!

I love ebay and we get a few things from there, mainly DS and Wii games, then we sell them on. I've bought a few things for Ella like toys. The best thing I've got from there though is make-up. I love Urban Decay and Prescriptives and their make-up is so expensive in shops but it's cheap as chips on ebay, mainly because it's discontinued but it's brand new so it's a bargain!! I also got a fab pair of Emu Australia boots from there for £30..RRP is double that.

I make my own bread and yogurt but can't grow my own veggies cause I have no garden. My Mum does though, and she makes her own compost from waste. My step-dad also likes a rummage through a skip (He collects them so he gets alot of opportunities!!). I also love brand new stuff though. I would say I'm more materialistic :lol:
Me, me, me! So much!

I love money saving and buy so much in charity shops (clothes, books, toys etc) for DD and for our home. I have kitted our DD and our house for next to nothing from charity shops, car boots etc. I'm also very lucky as we have lots of lovely friends who hand down gorgeous clothes for DD too.

I buy gifts in charity shops too, but they normally have to still have tags on or look as new.

Valentine Xxx

I live in the more affluent end of the town and the stuff you get in the charity shops is amazing! I bought two dresses last week- one for my cousin's naming ceremony and the other for Evie's Welcome Party.

The only thing I wont buy second hand is underwear and shoes! :lol:

Evie's stuff is mostly new because other people bought it but she also has some bits off Ebay (and her stuff will go back on Ebay!)

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