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Changing baby during the night?


Well-Known Member
Apr 10, 2005
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Hi everyone

Olivia screams when we change her nappy or undress her, we do try to make the room nice and warm and be gently but firm in what we're doing etc but it seems she just doesn't like it.
At the moment she is getting really worked up when I change her during the night and then she doesn't seem to settle back in her carrycot. So I'm wondering do you change your baby when you suspect they have done a wee/poo or do you sometimes let them lie a while before doing it? I feel really awful even asking this!

Olivia 4 days old
I tend to leave Damien at night if he hasn't pooed. If he has then I change him. I never used to though when he wore New Baby Pampers....he is now on Baby Dry which hold more wee.
Just a thought but when do you change her? Try after feeding and she may be more settled? Damien always creates if I change himj before a feed.
I don't change Brody unless I'm sure he's done a poo, he goes straight back off to sleep after a feed so I don't disturb him... if he was uncomfortable with a wet nappy he'd let me know!
Thanks ladies

When I put Olivia back in her carrycot after a feed she's sleepy or asleep and seems like she will settle but then after about 10 mins she seems to either really get unsettled and cries or else is sick. I used to wind her during the night but the midwife said breastfed babies don't need it?

I know she's only just a few days old, she seems to poo at least twice a night and more during the day - does this settle down as they get older?


Oliva 4 days old
Breastfed babies DO need winding. Maybe she has trapped wind which is why she is crying, unsettled and then sick.
BF babies poo alot because the milk is alot easier to digest for their tums than fprmula and just goes through them quite quick.

hth x
I agree with Sami.... BF babies do need winding. At times when I feed Oscar at night, he goes back to sleep having had no burps..... 10 mins later.... he's groaning and whinging.
In the first 5 weeks, he also HATED being changed, bathed or dressed.... it get's better, but in meantime, your adrenalin will take a beating!!!! :shock:
I also only change him in the night if he's done a poo.... I manage to change him in less than a minute. :D
Emilia xx
Lucy said:
I know she's only just a few days old, she seems to poo at least twice a night and more during the day - does this settle down as they get older?

I have found that as Seren has got older she has pooed less nd less. She wll do one every third day on average (but sure does make up for it). It can be normal for BF babies to poo lots or even to go a number of days without one, breast milk is more easily digested as Sami said, and due to the fact it is designed for baby there is less waste produced. As long as poo looks like it normally does, and smells like normal (nice) then there is nothing to worry about.

And they do need winding, my midwife told me they didn't ( :evil: ), she would cry sometimes for about half an hour and we had no clue what was wrong until one day she burped. Have winded her since nd have had no further screaming fits.
I can't believe a midwife would say they don't need winding that's just wrong :x they shouldn't be offering advice like that
I know, poor wee mite would scream and I didn't know it was because of wind as I believed there was no wind. Makes me relly sad thinking bout it but I make sure she has a good burp now x
Ella gets really windy as she gulps down my milk so fast to begin with I can hear her gulping air down aswell!

I change her at night if she wakes for a feed and I can smell poop. If she's just a bit wet then I will leave her as she's wearing good Pampers and they are supposed to be good for up to 12 hours. If she's really wet then she'll get a change. More often than not she wont get a change in the night if she only wakes once.

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