Cervix Question!


Well-Known Member
Mar 30, 2010
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Hi All!
I'm new here and have a question that some of you lovelies might know the answer too!

A couple of years ago while having a smear test my nurse told me that I have a slightly inside out cervix (I mentioned to her that I felt a pea size lump on my cervix)
She said it was nothing to worry about and it wouldn't cause any probs etc. at the time i had no idea that I'd be TTC.

I have been trying now for a month after trying for 6 months last year and giving up!

Now my question is could this little bump on my cervix be stopping me? Should I go back to the doctors and ask them to investigate it now or should I wait until we have been TTC for a while?

I am now on day 32 of my cycle and I'm normally a 28 day so just waiting another week or so before I do a test.
When we were TTC last year if I thought I was pregnant because I'd gone to CD30 then got a BFN and AF the very next day.

I was on Microgynon pill for nearly 10 years aswell incase that makes a difference?
I would go to your docs Hun. I'm sure everythings fine but no harm in getting checked out, especially with trying last year too, they'll be more receptive. All the best getting your bfp soon and welcome to the forum
Thanks for the welcome!

I think I will wait for AF to come and go and then go to the GP to see what they say, although saying that I've not felt the little bump on my cervix for a while, I can't say as I've thought much about it until this morning!

Fingers crossed that its dissapeared all on its own and it wont prevent a BFP for me at some point this year!
Hi Bonny,

Sounds like what I have... can't remember the technical term, but I was told about it last week when I had swabs done to investigate difficulty TTC.
Lucky for me the nurse (at my health centre) specialises in fertility, as she assured me that it won't have any impact on fertility.

No harm in you going back to you GP though just to double check (in case it's not exactly the same as I have).

All the best! Xx
Hi Bonny

I have never heard of this before so cant really give you any advice other than make sure you do make an appointment at your GP to see if the lump has gone or has changed.

Hope it turns out to be nothing hun xxx

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