Centile Charts


Well-Known Member
Oct 3, 2006
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A question for the experienced mums out there, Charlie is on the 75th centile for his weight, he has just been measured at 20 weeks for his length and is slightly above the 98th centile. What i wondered is should he not be on the same length/weight centile or even the one next to it, am i destined to have a very tall child who is underweight or does it not work like that??????????????
Sorry, I'm not an experienced, but Dad! :)

I think at that age its very misleading. Our LO was in the 98th %ile for both height and weight and is a big boy, but 75 %ile is very healthy. Look at it like this...Theres only 25 % of children of that age that are heavier, so its by no means a sign that he will be underweight.

Hope this kind of helps :?

Yep, I agree.

Maybe bubs is slim for his height but certainly not underweight. A few ozs can make all the difference on a chart when they're little. If he's healthy that's ALL that matters :D
hi there.... Has your hv said anything to you, if not stop worrying......I have 8 kids and am expecting again and i have them of all shapes and sizes, aslong as they are healthy it make no real difference to them......... i have an 8yrd old who is tiny and a four year that is only 3 inches shorter than her.....size matters not..... :think: :dance: :shhh: :rotfl:
Thanks guys, Charlie certainly doesnt look underweight, he is 17lbs and only 21 weeks old but he is really long, no one has made any comment about him its just my mum paranoia coming out!!!!!

Wow mellowbird, 8 children, you are really lucky.
my daughter was pretty high up on the centile charts for her height, and so was my son, theyve been a steady progression, at one point josh was actually off the chart, when he was born :shock:
luke started off below the 0.4th centile and hes now nearly on the 2nd centile! :shock: apparently he will catch up. they're not allowed to do his length until hes had a scan for his hips (as he was breech) and they are not allowed to stretch him out to do his length cos of potential problems with his hips.

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