CD14 has fooled me AGAIN! lol


Well-Known Member
May 11, 2012
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I am on CD14 not expecting OV for another 6 days -but I have sore (.)(.) and cramping on left side and EWCM today! opk says NO!

now this is the good bit, I looked back at my posts on forums from when I ttc last time in 2009 and I posted this:

"Ebay ovulation strips saying no not yet! hmmmm

I'm on CD14 and have no idea how long my cycle is going to be, but started opk tests on day 10 and have had faint lines on some. Well (sorry tmi) my CM is getting wetter, my cp is soft and open and i have cramping on my left side! But today's test done at 5pm (following all instructions) was negative!

should I be getting a positive by now or are the tests not working, I will continue testing, but don't want to miss the boat (or egg as it were)!

My and DH don't exactly get much chance to BD (medical reason) so not likely to get the right day by accident/chance! We are kinda relying on the opk to say to.

Thanks for any replies"

I could have wrote the exact same thing today, lol. btw I ovulated on CD19 - 5 days after this post back in 2009:roll: so guess I still do have 5 days to wait, hee hee.
Sounds like you've answered your own question hehe :) I feel like the whole TTC journey seems to always involve "waiting" for something ha either Ov or AF or something!! We're both on CD14 together and I've not signs of hope on my OPKs either so looks like we may both be getting longish cycles this month so the waiting game last even longer grrr... keep us informed if you get any luck on your OPKs I'm probably going to do 2 a day (lunch and evening) over the next week, at least for this cycle, so I can try and understand my cycles a bit better because they have been so varied over the last 6 months xx
I'm on cd 16 today and still not had ovulation. I either have a 28 day cycle or 30
I had a very good line on my opk today earlier - darkest I've ever seen so far, but not quite as dark as the control line, well on one side it is almost.........tested again a few hours later and a very faint line! so what was that earlier :(

ho hum, was hoping this was it and that opk's would get darker throughout day, not lighter, grrrr
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that was probably ur surge mine do that say for instance i get a possitive around 12 then if i do one around 8pm it will be a lot lighter my window is so small its like gogogogogo lol xx
yes but these tests were done in the morning so surge wouldn't have happened overnight....
quick question linked to this thread..I know you shouldn't drink anything approx. 2 hours before you do an OPK but I was wondering how that affects the results?? i.e. make it lighter or darker!? I seem to always need a pee after i've had a cuppa tea etc then I try not have a drink for ages but then dont need a wee lol - cant win!!! xxx
i have had + opks middle of the night and also ur not meant to do them with fmu x
yeah i got told off by carnat22 for using fmu all the time hahaha!

why is that? aurely your hormones are stronger then?
I believe its because the LH surge usually begins in the morning (havn't built up during the night) so it may not necessarily be present until later on in the day xx
** I meant to say "having built up over night" NOT "havn't built up" oops hehe... x
i have no idea either just wat i have read on here usualy by carnat lol and on google pages that i have also looked on think it to strong ya pee or summet lol
I was up at 7am so by 9am that is not my fmu, lol :) it's like mid-morning for me.

I got my positive opk when ttc my dd at 9am in the morning too.

well tests were faint later in day too so I;m guessing that was a fluke test - cd15 is too early for me to O anyway - so will keep testing. We DTD last night anyway so if it was my surge overnight then we caught it, lol
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u dont actualy release egg for 24 ish hours after surge or so they say so just bd every other day n ur sorted :-) x
I'm still not convinced it was my surge as it is too early in my cycle, but who knows - we will be BD every other day over next week if we can ;)

only BD the day of my + opk when I got preg with my dd, we hadn't dtd for days before or days after.

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