cd 19 and no ov yet??


Well-Known Member
Apr 27, 2007
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i have had a couple of hours really tender ovary pain on friday but no ewcm and i am a bit tender inside but still no ewcm?? god i hate the waiting for it, i am sure i will ov this month as i have had some symptoms but when?? arggg!...its driving me crazy! i have cycles of 31-33 days, anyone else hate the wait and whats the usual cd you ov?
have you been stressed or something? that can delay it..
I don't have a usual day I ov - it is all over the place and sometimes not at all!
Do you use opks?
we have had a bit of stress recently, never thought of that, gord if thats the case i dont reckon it will help things this month then as the stressful situation we are in is set to last a little longer..(long story)
i am not using opk's but i was thinking of temp'ing next month, what type of thermometer do i need to get? its not a normal one is it? and when ppl say they have to take the temp at the same time every morning before you get out of bed, how strict is that? is it EXACTLY the same time or around about the same time? god sorry for all the questions.x
you should start temping and using opks - it seems to have worked for me!
In boots they have a fertility thermometer, or you can get them online.
It has to read to 2 decimal places.
Yes you should take your temp at the same time every day before you get out of bed. It sounds like a pain but you get used to it!
i agree with kmac you would have a better idea if you use opk's as sometimes you could ovulate and not see much fertile cm. its also a good way of knowing if ov is near as the line starts getting darker leading up to it. you should join the girls in chart stalkers they will keep you right and there seems to be alot of us leaving so there is plenty of space :D
Rach - I don't temp at exactly the same time every morning. I tend to do it as soon as I wake up after a long period of sleep (3hrs+). So, really it varies from 5am-8am (I co-sleep with my one year old and she wakes up at different times each morning!). My temp chart is still very clear and I can definitely see a thermal shift which indicates ov.

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