
Well-Known Member
Sep 28, 2008
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A friend of mine is taking her son to the singing kettle live, and offered us spare tickets. Since Kade hasn't seen the singing kettle, and probably wouldn't enjoy it, i declined - basically the only reason i'd accept is so i could re-live my childhood love of them =P haha.

So i got thinking, and the only thing i could think of that Kade would enjoy going to, would be CBEEBIES LIVE. I looked up online and the closest one to us, would be on the 11th of December, at 2 in the afternoon, in glasgow (3 hours away!) since the adult tickets are £22.50 each, and child tickets are £19, it'd cost alot, plus since none of us drive, transport to get there and back, plus Kade will only be 3 in November.. he'd probably not sit for 3 hrs each way, and however many hours for the show - and turn into a terror!

Anyone been to CBEEBIES LIVE? is it worth spending alot of money so close to xmas? and all the travel hastle? xx
We went to see it a few months back when it was in Aberdeen and Arianna loved it, even tho she doesnt really watch Cbeebies on TV (she's more of a Disney chick :lol: )

I thought it was well worth the money, but obviously we didnt have the travel hassel that you have.
I would love to go to this!! what do they do Sarah and how long are you there?

When we went the "story" was all to do with recycling and it was PC Plum that was in it the most, all singing and dancing.
It had Bill & Ben, Koala Brothers, Postman Pat, loads of people in it.

They sang songs and had everyone doing actions. I can't remember how long it lasted... I think maybe 45min then a break and then another 60min :think:

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