Car seats


Well-Known Member
May 5, 2006
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When can I move Ryan from his rear facing baby seat into a forward facing one??

Some websites say 9 months, some say 9kg and some say when a baby can sit unaided with confidence.

He's over 9 months now but he's never weighed much so I doubt he'll be 9kg...ohhhh, someone help me out, I'm all confused :lol:

It's just gonna be so much easier when he can go into a bigger seat then I won't have to keep carrying it in and out and swapping between mine and OH's cars, but obviously I don't wanna do it if it's not safe yet :?

*feels stupid asking considering she's been through all this once with Josh*
does his head or legs over hang the seat he is in? That is usually one of the signs.
SarahH said:
does his head or legs over hang the seat he is in? That is usually one of the signs.

Yeah his legs hang out of the end :lol:
I would say it's a shopping trip then :cheer:

The man in Halfords told us it doesn't matter if there legs hang out the end. But if there head is higher than the back of the seat and if the straps go back and quite lower than their shoulders then thats a sign. But he siad when they are under 9kg they are safer in the smaller car seats. Unless they are sitting unaided and have very strong neck muscles.

Thats what he told us anyway. We put alfie in a big seat at 8 months when he weighed 8.5kg as he was way to big and long for his little seat and had beed sitting unaided for ages.

Laura x
Isaac's been in his a while, he's been able to sit unaided for ages and he's a good weight :lol: It doesn't matter if LO's legs go over edge of rear facing seat, as long as their head is still in the seat and not above its top then they are still just fine in the rear facing. Places that sell carseats should offer you advice anyway, so just pop in for a chat and they will be able to answer your questions too :hug: :hug:
If you want to move him up a stage, but feel he is a little on the 'light' side, how about getting the next stage seat, but one like britax first class ... 8&mcb=core , which can be rear facing. We have this seat and are so pleased with it, it fits almost any car, is really deep, good side impact protection, and reclines really well. Mothercare said if she is nine months and sits well, unaided for a good length of time, she could go in forward facing, but they are safer rear facing.
EllieG said:
If you want to move him up a stage, but feel he is a little on the 'light' side, how about getting the next stage seat, but one like britax first class ... 8&mcb=core , which can be rear facing. We have this seat and are so pleased with it, it fits almost any car, is really deep, good side impact protection, and reclines really well. Mothercare said if she is nine months and sits well, unaided for a good length of time, she could go in forward facing, but they are safer rear facing.

We got this one for Maia and it is brilliant. I'm keeping Maia rear facing for as long as possible because its safer in an accident.
Jake didn't go in to a forward facing seat until he was about 14 months old because he wasn't 20lb until then. His legs were hanging over the end of his infant seat but his head was still in it so he was ok. If Ryan's head comes over the top before he reaches 20lb you will probably need to get a combination seat (birth - 4 years) so that it can be rear facing until he is heavy enough to turn to forward facing.
EllieG said:
If you want to move him up a stage, but feel he is a little on the 'light' side, how about getting the next stage seat, but one like britax first class ... 8&mcb=core , which can be rear facing. We have this seat and are so pleased with it, it fits almost any car, is really deep, good side impact protection, and reclines really well. Mothercare said if she is nine months and sits well, unaided for a good length of time, she could go in forward facing, but they are safer rear facing.

That's the one we got :D

Tried him in both rear facing and forward facing, and cos we both have 3 door cars it's so much easier to have it facing forwards, but for now I've fitted it facing backwards til he gets a little bit bigger :)

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