Car craft! (Result)

Well he went in today and spoke to the assistant manager cos the manager wasn't in. Hes agreed to pay for all the cost to get the car released no problems. He was really shocked the way we had been treated and said it is just incompatence (i know this). It looks like we may get our money back and maybe some compansation but he said he has to wait till tomorrow to see the manager :roll: At least now we have some contact numbers of the site we bought the car from which we could never get though to before. We're gonna contact trading standards in the morning and also the garage that actually diagnosed the problem and see which part the ordered to see whats gone wrong ourselves. I'm feeling a little happier at least knowing the are paying the fees for getting it out of the compound. We will have to see what tomorrow brings :pray:
That's good news!

you could seriously go to the papers over this if you don't get what you want!
Urchin said:
you could seriously go to the papers over this if you don't get what you want!

I will! maybe even get intouch with watchdog, I can afford to let them get away with it. Its not a lot of money to them but its a fortune to me.
That is shocking! I'm sure they will end up falling over themselves to give you what you want if you take it further as they won't want a bad name! Too late for that though sounds like they are a bunch of idiots! :lol:
you must be fuming! I would be. Im glad your getting it sorted but I would take them down now. Call all the papers and telly programs ...make them pay! (and get lots of lovely money out of it in the meantime hehe)
Wow, just looked back then how long its actually been :shock: We STILL have no car or no money back. This is getting silly now and to top it all I can't even go and visit my poor dad in cancer care cos I have no transport!
Time to rant hunny. They will appease you to calm you down and promise the earth to get you out of their shop but they've broke their promises yet again so your OH needs to take no more shit off them and don't leave the shop until he has a car :shakehead:
Hes been up today with another letter and we were ment to be getting a phone call today. Suprise, suprise we haven't! We have been on to watch dog to see if they can help us and we are gonna ring the papers tommorow to see if they are interested. If that fails we are gonna have to go to a soliciter :evil:
They have also moved our car withour our permission, as they haven't excepted it back yet or given us a refund its still ours and is still full of our stuff including an expensive stereo and now we don't even know where it is. I feel like crying and I really don't need this at the minute.
kellie80 said:
Hes been up today with another letter and we were ment to be getting a phone call today. Suprise, suprise we haven't! We have been on to watch dog to see if they can help us and we are gonna ring the papers tommorow to see if they are interested. If that fails we are gonna have to go to a soliciter :evil:
They have also moved our car withour our permission, as they haven't excepted it back yet or given us a refund its still ours and is still full of our stuff including an expensive stereo and now we don't even know where it is. I feel like crying and I really don't need this at the minute.

Companies like this just don't care! I know its one big headache but keep at it and hopefully you'll win in the end :hug:
Oh no Kellie hun, I cannot believe this it is atrocious (sp) the way you are being treted by them.....why the hell have they moved your car without your knowledge, you should report it as stolen :shakehead:
I hope you are able to sort something out with them soon, and get your money back & then some!!
At the best of times this is awful, but for you right now, this is an appalling situation :hug: :hug: :hug:
Well finally got things sorted today 21 days later :shock: We have a full refund which is good but no componsation, not even the money for all the fuel left in the car. Apperently it must of been free cos we didn't have a reciept :roll: . Anyway i'm just glad to get away from Car Craft so we can go and buy a decent car :D Checked there site when we got home though just for a laugh and the car that we took back is already for sale again at full price even though they know its broke and can't be fixed. I couldn't believe it, makes me think though, maybe they knew it was broke before they sold it to us :evil: I just hope the next poor family who buys it doesn't end up in crash
I am so glad that you have had your money back, was thinking of your earlier because there was a car craft advert on the radio :D - at least you are rid, and although you didn't get the money back for your petrol, its a small price to pay to be rid of them!

kellie80 said:
Checked there site when we got home though just for a laugh and the car that we took back is already for sale again at full price even though they know its broke and can't be fixed.

Personally, I would contact Trading Standards about the that is very dangerous, as you say, the next family may be in a crash.....some companies just don't know when to stop do they!!!!

I hope you find a marvellous car this time hun :hug:
Well congrats on getting your money back.

I may be looking for a new car soon and won't go near them now
WHoooo hooooo Finally, well done!

I would contact the papers and trading standards about that car!
Urchin said:
I would contact the papers and trading standards about that car!

We are! Gonna wait till we have that cheque in our hands (its being sent) then we are gonna really try to get them for it! They are selling the car for more than they gave us back for it plus it now has no central locking, no working sterieo, we replaced it then took ours back out and it doesn't work propally and cuts out whilst being driven and they know it. We even have proof in the form of a copy of an internal email that they printed out for us. We are not letting this lie :D

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