Can't wait any longer...need to test *UPDATE*


Well-Known Member
Sep 20, 2006
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Hmmm, AF is still 3 days late. Maybe this is because during ovulation i was ill with the flu and it has delayed my cycle?

I have been having cramps on and off since friday but have had some creamy discharge too.
Have wayyy too much time on my hands and damn the internet, after doing some research i'm letting myself believe there may be the tiniest chance i could be pregnant.

Think i will buy a test on my way home, which is the best pregnancy test and when is best to test?

Thanks xx
Tesco and Sainsburys own brands are good and way cheaper than CBs

good luck :pray:
How exciting, I really want a BFP for you hon. I have obviously zero experience with successful hpt tests so can't advise but people on here seem to go for clear blue.

Let us know how it goes. Finegers crossed for you!!
Tesco own brand were great for me and you can't argue with 2 for a £5.

FMU is definitely best for wait until tomorrow morning if you can! I woke up at 5am or earlier when I was to test bursting for the loo!

Valentine xxx
ive got everything crossed for you hun, hope you get your BFP!!!!
Okay, i bought a First Response hpt, and did it when i got home. (hadn't had a wee for about 5 hours so thought it would be ok plus couldn't wait!).

It was a BFN :x

Then later last night i had some picky brown when i wiped, i assumed it was AF and waited for her to fully get me.
But since then she hasn't arrived...only had some more picky brown when i wipe.

Hmmm, now not sure if this is AF (she doesn't usually take this long when she starts) or could this be implantation bleeding?

Can it be implantation bleeding even though the test was BFN?

(BTW thanks for keeping everything crossed for me gals :hug: )
:hug: sorry it was BFN Bex...

You can't get a BFP until several days after implantation .. as the hormone doesn't start being produced until implantation takes place ...

Fingers crossed that's what it is ....
Morning Bexter,

Came straight on to see how you got on. How confusing! How many days late are you? Also did you detect Ovulation this month and if so when? Also do you take your BBT. Sorry for all the questions.

Sorry things are so frustrating for you right now.

Becs x
Becs said:
Morning Bexter,

Came straight on to see how you got on. How confusing! How many days late are you? Also did you detect Ovulation this month and if so when? Also do you take your BBT. Sorry for all the questions.

Sorry things are so frustrating for you right now.

Becs x

Ah bless you Bec & Becs, :hug: well i thought i ovulated on day 14 which would make AF due last Friday.
But the confusing thing is i saw what i think was ewcm for 10 days - it disappeared last week. So not really sure when i ovualted (i did o'd on the magic meds tho :think: )

Not charting or taking bbt, only going by cm.

If the ewcm disappeared last week, did i ovulate last week and could this be implantation bleeding?
Sorry you got BFN- difficult to know when you should test- maybe try another on in a couple of days if AF hasn't arrived
That's interesting Bexter because I had cm for about 10 days too and I didn't Ov untill CD21!! I only know this because I was using and OPK and charting my temps. Otherwise I would have assumed it was day14 Did you notice when ewcm stopped? Mine stopped the day after I ov'd. This may mean that you in fact ov'd quite a lot later that you think. I know it's nothing solid but if you count about 14 days on from when the ewcm stopped (assuming that you in fact ov'd the day before) then this might give you a new due day.

Long shot, but I have to say I was amazed how late I ov'd and how long my cycle turns out to be. Oh and I had spotting during my ewcm time too.

Hope this gives hope :)
So the plot thickens.....

I think the ewcm stopped on Monday 4th Dec so lets assume i ovulated on Sun 3rd (day 23??!!).

Have just been to the toilet and again only a pinky brown tinge when wiping :think:

If no full blown AF by this weekend, then i will test again.

Thanks for the advice (again) chick :hug: xx
Bexter - that's exactly what I've had for past 2 days although my blood is more brown and only on wiping.

Was due on Sat but neg test and AF is still not here and cramps have completly gone!

So will test again on Sat as that'll be around 6 to 7 days after implantation (if it is implantation bleeding)
good luck to both of you :hug:

Lets hope you get an ace xmas pressie :wink:
Good luck PyscoFalcon, really hope you get a Christmas bfp :pray:

Let me know what happens, and i will keep you posted too. xx
Good luck guys.... old aunt f popped up on me this weekend :evil: at least i know where i stand.... we'll be bonking on xmas day :lol:

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