cant stop eating


Well-Known Member
Jun 24, 2007
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well since finding out im pregnant i cant cure my hunger feeling, i just want to eat every thing!!! :wall: im hoping to loose some weight so im a little fitter ready for the birth as i didnt have a very good birth last time.

any one else feel like raiding the fridge all the time?
Yup! I have been hooked on chinese food lately but that isnt something I want to eat every day! I have to eat 'something' even if its just a dry cracker or two every couple of hours from when I wake until I go to bed, if not the nausea just gets the better of me! :puke:
Glad its not just me. When I get hungry I just have to eat otherwise I just feel sick. Luckily am really enjoying fruit at the mo!
Can i sign up for the all you can eat club too? i'm at work and i'm starving AND i dont get in till nearly 10. I'm going to start knawing at my hand too. No wonder i put on 3 stone with DD! :wink:
I was like this up until about 20 weeks....I think I'm just not eating as much at one sitting now because I get full up quicker. I'll worry about the weight later x
i just feel like chips the whole time! its chips one minute and fruit the next so atelast its healtthy and then not so healthy...or the other way round
i'm constantly craving different things n then when i get it i dont really want it then half hour later i fancy something else!
I'm still like this sometimes, good advice I was given, don't eat 3 meals a day, have fewer and smaller meals, salads, fruit, nutrigrain bars etc. I see you have done this before, however, if you are trying to lose weight, stick to eating healthy foods rather than sweet or salt foods.

I've gone through a range of things, chicken salad, crab salad, bacon salad, feta you can see, salad features heavy in my daily routine :rotfl:
im trying to eat fruit when i feel hungry, but i find myself standing in the larder looking and the food and wanting to eat it all :rotfl:
I've promised myself I am going to be good. I have lost 6 1/2 stone in 2 years and no way am I going to pig out and put any of it back on again! I chnaged my lifestyle in such a drastic way and I am 99% sure that's why I conceived so quickly so I won't ruin it!

I don't mind putting on baby weight, but I'm REALLY hoping that will be it :D

Fruit, fruit and more fruit for me :D
me too i cant stop eating chips with loads of s&v i had a craving for them last night so i ended up making home made chips at 10pm hope this doesnt last as not very healthy i will end up puting stones on
I cant stop picking, Hubbie said to me last night he is worried I am going to end up the size of the house, I have put on nearly a stone already, but I am blaming giving up smoking, and I have started to eat healthy just recently so gonna keep it up
I've actually lost weight!!! but i constantly feel like throwing up and I really have to force myself to eat something. I too crave something, make it then just to look at it makes me sick...

Plus my Crohns is flaring up which has paniced both my midwife and consultant... basically I don't know what pregnancy constipation means, which you'd think was a good thing ....but it really isn't... The toilet has become my best friend, if I'm not there for being sick or needing to pee...then I have to be there for other OH said that he thinks I might be having an affair in there... I wish!!!

At the moment I am living off Mcvities chocolate digestive buiscuits and water, and some god awful liquid meal suppliments. :puke: :puke: :puke:

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