cant. keep. eyes. opennnnnnn


Well-Known Member
Oct 13, 2006
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OMG iv never been this tired. except for yesterday. and the nite b4. and all this last week actualy. only other time was when i was pregnant with millie, i remember having to point out to my boyf (after he asked how can i say i'm tired when i'd done nothing all day- grr!) that it uses up A LOT of energy growing a brand new human from scratch! :lol:

this is ridiculous i am gagging for SLEEP and have been since about 10pm! its a good sign tho i spose as i had this with millie but not with the m/c. anyone else off for a kip in the next 10 mins :lol: :sleep:
Im super tired!! and will probably be off to the land of nod soon :sleep:
I am in bed (if not asleep) by around 930 every night

often I'll have a crafty nap on the sofa in the afternoons as well :angel:
I am the same hun. I get up for work at 5:30 every morning, sleep for an hour on the train to work. go to work and then leave at half 6, sleep for an hour on the way home, get in at 8 have some dinner and in bed by 9:30... I feell like a walking zombie!! Even on weekends I have to nap during the day and then I sleep in till like 12!! This making a baby is hard work :lol:

I must admit this pregnancy has made me more tired than any of my others :roll:
You ladies who work: I just don't know how you cope! I am very lucky and am not allowed to work due to visa requirements but I am shattered every night! I feel like I've run a marathon as I paid a few bills and went to the shops today!

I average about one chore a day before collapsing and dehydrating :lol:

Hats off to you working girls
i work only 21 hours a week this time last time with millie it was 33. but its so much harder this time because looking after a 20-month-old is SOOOOOO draining! this is the REAL work! paid work is the easy part :lol:
trixipaws said:
this is ridiculous i am gagging for SLEEP and have been since about 10pm! its a good sign tho i spose as i had this with millie but not with the m/c. anyone else off for a kip in the next 10 mins :lol: :sleep:

Theres a 10pm??? I haven't been up later than 9:15 in the last 2 weeks! We were watching a film at the weekend and hubby had to wake me at 8:45 saying did I want to go upto bed. I do have to get up at 6am, to make sure I am in work for 7:30 am but even so. I can't believe how tired I am as well.
Man... I have always loved sleeping and being pregnant just makes me love the bed so much more...snooze.....15 more minutes left of work!

I am very envious of you Bun for not working! But not envious of your hospital choice lol
I have just over an hour's drive to work, so I have a quick nap in the car before I go into the building in the morning. My colleagues think it's hilarious. I actually managed to fall asleep during a training course this week, I had to explain to the trainer that it wasn't his delivery style - I'm not quite sure he believed me! Good job I'm not operating machinery or anything like that!
Sorry Kiko. I do feel guilty about it but sod it. I'll never get the chance again!

And yes, I keep yawning when people talk to me. It's nothing personal but I'm still not going to tell them why!
purplepants said:
I must admit this pregnancy has made me more tired than any of my others :roll:
I bet you must be super knackered what with having 4 children already, hats off to you!!!
I keep having little siestas in the day too (I think thats what they are called when spanish people go to sleep in the day? lol) and I wanna sleep earlier at night too :( It's hard and tiring coz some nights I work til 10 :evil:

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