Cant get anything done!!!


Well-Known Member
Mar 24, 2005
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Im having problems getting things done during the day as Jack hates being put down or left. He starts to cry everytime I try to get things done.

Anyone else experiencing this? I have been told its just a phase. Any tips?

I have an employment tribunal coming up so I am so busy with that and the house is just a tip!!! :(
Yesterday Brody was the same. I put him in his bouncy chair and everything I did I put the chair close by so he could see me. He happily sat there and watched me do the dinner, hoover, clean the bathroom etc, it worked a treat!
he usually sits in his chair where he can still see me but still cries, he only stops when I pick him up and I dont want him to get clingy!!! :?
Coby went through a stage like that, it only lasted about a week tho, we brought a baby carrier, so that he was up agaisnt me but i still had my arms free to do jobs etc

lulu said:
he usually sits in his chair where he can still see me but still cries, he only stops when I pick him up and I dont want him to get clingy!!! :?

Why not try a sling/coorie. That will keep him close but leave your hands free to get a few bits done (hoovering etc)
Seren went through this the last 2 weeks and it is so annoying. I ended up tidying up last thing at night . In the end I found the carrier helped though it did hurt my back, or putting her sitting up on the sofa whilst I explained exactly what I was doing - "ooh mummy is hoovering now. Look at all the mess going up into the hoover" (was a bit of a loon). Seren seemed to ok with that. This housework thing is tough, I used to take all day Saturday doing it. Have had to become so much more organised, bought a seagrass chest which I put all her toys in at the end of the day so room looks less cluttered. I just find it helps me in the morning.
Phoebe is just the same. Will sit happily on her own if she can see me but gets upset if I leave the room.

Although sometimes she'll sit on the sofa on her own.

She's started showing an interest in the TV too so sometimes I let her watch it for 5mins just so I can wash up or put some washing on etc. :D
Jack cries even when he can see me though!!! :think: He doesnt seem so bad when his dad is here but its getting silly!

Im worried about using a sling or carrier as I feel it is going to make him clingy or I will be making a rod for my own back! :wall:

It doesnt help that whenever I want to put a wash on I have to go outside as the machine is in the garage and when I need to hoover, the house is on 3 floors!!! :shakehead: :|

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