Can you help my sister?


Well-Known Member
May 9, 2006
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My sister is expecting a little girl in September. She already has Chloe & Molly, and is torn between 2 names.

Sydney - this is her favourite but lots of people don't seem to like it so she's not sure about using it (her DF loves this one too).

Ruby - the more popular choice but my sister's 2nd choice.

I've told her to go with what she wants and stuff everyone else - it's her baby! I just wanted to see what other people thought? Sydney or Ruby?
Sydney was my grandfather's name so I would have to go for Ruby... :)
Ruby is beautiful but i love Sydney more. its one of the name I really liked for Evie but Brian didnt like it (said it remined him of the girl from scream :roll: ). :D
Ruby, definitely. I don't like Sydney on a girl (Relic Hunter brilliance notwithstanding), I'm afraid. (Plus, my Dad's called Sidney and he's horrible, so there's a lot of negative association with that name for me.)
I LOVE Sydney! I suggested that to my OH but he wasn't keen, perhaps with a bit more persuasion I can get my own way - I've got quite a while to work on him.

I'm a bit biased though - we had a great holiday to Australia last year and was due to move there before BFP! It reminds me of fun times.
i voted ruby- my nieces are called molly, hannah and ruby so i'm biased lol
i vote sydney! if thats her favourate she should have what she wonts and stuff everyone else! so threre!!
i like ruby but everyone seems 2 b going for that name how many rubys would u want in your school class?
defo Ruby

i dont like Sydney for a girl atall and reminds me off the scream film

" hello Sydney remember me "
I love both but picked Sydney as it's slightly more unusual, but that's my hangup about having a baby share a name with lots of others at school etc

My cousin's baby is called Sydney and she's a little doll. :D
I personally prefer Ruby but Sydney is a lovely name too and if it is the name they both love they should use that regardless of what other people prefer! :D
I like them both but Sydney makes me think of old drunk men so I chose Ruby

Definately Ruby for me!! :D Lovely name!

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