Can recreational drug use in the past affect your pregnancy?


Mar 30, 2007
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Hi everyone... I was wondering if anyone had come across any studies or research on whether recreational drug use in the past is known to affect pregnancy? I've spent the afternoon Googling this, but can only find info on drug use during pregnancy. I'm now a "mature and sensible" 37-year-old, don't drink and have never smoked, but in my late teens and 20s experimented with a few things, and am trying to find out if there's any data on this. I'm worried I could have adversely affected my eggs all those years ago :(

Thanks in advance for any advice. I'm not sure if this is the right area to post this, but couldn't find anywhere else, and am 17 weeks pregnant.
From what I've read (reading up as someone close to me is pregnant now, around 15 weeks-ish) if you have stopped using for the 3 months prior to pregnancy then the pregnancy should develop as normal. The only suggested from what I read that it might effect fertility but since they haven't done too many studies on past drug users and their TTC journeys etc they can't really say much espeically since there are so many drugs out there I guess the studies are hard to do? Anyway, if you have been clean for at least 3 months then seemingly you have nothing to worry about....I'll see if I can re-find the websites I visited to find that out and PM you the links.
Thanks Nicola - I'd appreciate that. I've been clean for years now, but when my midwife asked me about drug use at my booking-in appt this week I was completely honest about my experimentation in my teens and twenties, and now she says the consultant wants to see me next week to discuss it, so I wanted to be as informed as possible. I have a good friend, with whom I tried stuff all those years ago, who has gone to on to have 6 kids, all home births, and all healthy and gorgeous, so mostly I'm thinking about that to cheer me up!
larceny said:
Hi everyone... I was wondering if anyone had come across any studies or research on whether recreational drug use in the past is known to affect pregnancy? I've spent the afternoon Googling this, but can only find info on drug use during pregnancy. I'm now a "mature and sensible" 37-year-old, don't drink and have never smoked, but in my late teens and 20s experimented with a few things, and am trying to find out if there's any data on this. I'm worried I could have adversely affected my eggs all those years ago :(

Thanks in advance for any advice. I'm not sure if this is the right area to post this, but couldn't find anywhere else, and am 17 weeks pregnant.

Yep i believe that using druds (any drugs) can affect your brain, life, reproductive organs and indeed your pregnancy and birth and baby.
budge said:
larceny said:
Hi everyone... I was wondering if anyone had come across any studies or research on whether recreational drug use in the past is known to affect pregnancy? I've spent the afternoon Googling this, but can only find info on drug use during pregnancy. I'm now a "mature and sensible" 37-year-old, don't drink and have never smoked, but in my late teens and 20s experimented with a few things, and am trying to find out if there's any data on this. I'm worried I could have adversely affected my eggs all those years ago :(

Thanks in advance for any advice. I'm not sure if this is the right area to post this, but couldn't find anywhere else, and am 17 weeks pregnant.

Yep i believe that using druds (any drugs) can affect your brain, life, reproductive organs and indeed your pregnancy and birth and baby.

Yeah Budge that would make sense, they reckon it does affect quite alot of things long term.
I would presume that it would depend on exactly which drugs you had used, as they each stay in your system for different amounts of time. Perhaps you should ask your doc? I'm sure they'll have access to relevant studies.
frangelle said:
budge said:
larceny said:
Hi everyone... I was wondering if anyone had come across any studies or research on whether recreational drug use in the past is known to affect pregnancy? I've spent the afternoon Googling this, but can only find info on drug use during pregnancy. I'm now a "mature and sensible" 37-year-old, don't drink and have never smoked, but in my late teens and 20s experimented with a few things, and am trying to find out if there's any data on this. I'm worried I could have adversely affected my eggs all those years ago :(

Thanks in advance for any advice. I'm not sure if this is the right area to post this, but couldn't find anywhere else, and am 17 weeks pregnant.

Yep i believe that using druds (any drugs) can affect your brain, life, reproductive organs and indeed your pregnancy and birth and baby.

Yeah Budge that would make sense, they reckon it does affect quite alot of things long term.

yep it does.
i worked for a few years on a drug and alcohol ward a few years back and i can tell you the long term affects of taking ANY recreational drug is shocking.
I'd imagine the "long-term effects" of drugs is bandied about in order to create the same moral panic that Fetal Alcohol Syndrome is nowadays.

Whilst I understand that issues such as drugs, smoking, alcohol etc in pregnancy are emotive subjects and that everyone has an opinion, I really wish that people would try to do some proper research before spouting off things as "facts". And, I don't mean the contributers on this forum - I mean the so-called "experts" and "organisations" that get their financial support from dodgy findings and try to scare us into believing that almost everything enjoyable is extremely bad for us.

I'm sick of the politicisation of pregnancy (and therefore of women when they become pregnant).

Larceny - I wouldn't even use the word "clean" in relation to recreational drugs! It is obvious that, by using such terms, the other people here haven't a clue what you're on about :D I have know many people to use RECREATIONAL (and yes, I do know the difference between them and crack/heroin etc) drugs and have never known any of their children to be affected (even without the 3 month gap before getting pregnant).

Expect to be the subject of medical scrutiny, though. You will probably also receive additional visits from your health visitor after the birth because as soon as you mention the word, "drug", they will want to come round a few times just to make sure you're not "shooting up" whilst you breastfeed. :shock: They are as "knowledgeable" as the other few percent in society who have never experimented with anything in their youth :wink:

Sorry in advance if I've offended anyone. I'm perhaps too liberal for a few on here. As I appreciate, drug use is an emotive issue (regardless of pregnancy) and my being facetious because I don't take it as seriously as its criminalistion would warrant doesn't help.
WendyWandy said:
I'd imagine the "long-term effects" of drugs is bandied about in order to create the same moral panic that Fetal Alcohol Syndrome is nowadays.

Whilst I understand that issues such as drugs, smoking, alcohol etc in pregnancy are emotive subjects and that everyone has an opinion, I really wish that people would try to do some proper research before spouting off things as "facts". And, I don't mean the contributers on this forum - I mean the so-called "experts" and "organisations" that get their financial support from dodgy findings and try to scare us into believing that almost everything enjoyable is extremely bad for us.

I'm sick of the politicisation of pregnancy (and therefore of women when they become pregnant).

Larceny - I wouldn't even use the word "clean" in relation to recreational drugs! It is obvious that, by using such terms, the other people here haven't a clue what you're on about :D I have know many people to use RECREATIONAL (and yes, I do know the difference between them and crack/heroin etc) drugs and have never known any of their children to be affected (even without the 3 month gap before getting pregnant).

Expect to be the subject of medical scrutiny, though. You will probably also receive additional visits from your health visitor after the birth because as soon as you mention the word, "drug", they will want to come round a few times just to make sure you're not "shooting up" whilst you breastfeed. :shock: They are as "knowledgeable" as the other few percent in society who have never experimented with anything in their youth :wink:

Sorry in advance if I've offended anyone. I'm perhaps too liberal for a few on here. As I appreciate, drug use is an emotive issue (regardless of pregnancy) and my being facetious because I don't take it as seriously as its criminalistion would warrant doesn't help.
here here
Thank you, Wendy. I did realise that by being honest and asking for research, I could be opening a can of worms, but I thought it might be worth it to find some factual research, studies from medical journals, etc, rather than unfounded personal opinions or vague speculation. Obviously, as someone who takes the health of her baby very seriously, I would never consider taking any drugs during pregnancy, and haven't done any for many years anyway, but I know that I may have to make that very clear to my midwife, consultant, etc. I am also aware that any studies I do find may have been funded by companies with a particular agenda and therefore not entirely impartial, sigh...

I know many people who have had children, some of whom have tried recreational drugs and some who have not, and there doesn't seem to be any higher incidence of problems in conception, birth or childhood in either group in my personal experience - I just wondered if there had been any studies, etc done on this.

Anyway, nice to meet another "liberal" on this site - thanks again for your post.
I have been clean from pills and pot now for 5 years, and i have a gorgeous healthy 3 yr old and a another LO on the way and when i spoke to my MW about my concerns sahe told me not to worry about them.I did see my consultant who also told me not to worry as i have not taken drugs during any of my pregnancies (i wouldnt anyway as it was a teen thing).

I have kept in contact with many friends with schoola dnw eall went thriough the same stuff together and they all have healthy kids now as well.
I know where you're coming from, Larceny. I was just worried that you might not get the response you were hoping here. If people's narrow-mindedness wasn't so dangerous, it would be funny.

For example:

Let us not forget the important FACT that medical professionals are allowed and WILL "push" opiates/narcotics to pregnant women (in labour). What do you think pethidine and diamorphine are?

Yes, you might be offered heroin (sorry, I should use the medical term 'diamorphine') in labour, especially if you are in Scotland, Larceny. But being offered heroin by your midwife makes it okay.

Yes, that's right, all you scare-mongerers out there - if you live in Scotland, your health professional will inject you with heroin whilst you're in labour!!! :clap: If you're in other parts of the UK, you are more likely to receive pethidine (another opiate). What about the "long-term effects" of opiates on the baby then?

What must THAT tell us about the long-term effects of HARD drugs (not "recreational" or softer drugs like aphetamines, ecstacy, cannabis, LSD etc)?

What you have to remember is that where a health professional is pushing (sorry, prescribing/administering) a drug, it is acceptable, even if that same drug - or type of drug - is illegal in another setting. Scary, perhaps, but true. Diamorphine IS heroin by another name. In fact, it was doctors who first introduced it to the population (how "kind" of them). and now, they makes lots of money from research into addiction to it (lucky them!).

And amphetamines are regularly prescribed by doctors as slimming aids :shock: and, imagine - LSD was invented by a psychiatrist :shock:

WendyWandy said:
I know where you're coming from, Larceny. I was just worried that you might not get the response you were hoping here. If people's narrow-mindedness wasn't so dangerous, it would be funny.:

There's no need to be quite so aggressive though :think:
Wendy - I know!!! Scary!!! I did wonder, whilst reading a few posts on here on the subject of having the occasional glass of wine whilst pregnant, whether any of the people who so vehemently condemned anyone who did so were planning to have any drugs during their labours, i.e. pethedine, diamorphine, etc etc etc... :think:
WendyWandy - totally agree with everything you say and obviously this is something you feel very strongly about and I applaude you for being able to get your point across in a good articulate way :clap:

I have to admit, I shyed away from this thread at first as I too have taken recreational drugs in the past and was worried that people on here, however helpful they are and understanding and the best help I have had during this pregnancy, could be a little judgemental and condem me for my past behaviour. I am a wimp, sorry :oops:

I'm sorry you have misinterpreted my dismay as aggression, but perhaps that says more about you than me...

I have done years of research on the medical profession and their misuse of controlled drugs (on themselves and patients) and one of the most troubling things is that people don't question professionals, yet are so quick to judge others, outside of the medical profession. This is a huge debate and it would only be taking us away from Larceny's original post.

The real point I wanted to make is that I wish this was an enlightened forum, with open-minded people, where women could raise concerns, or questions (myself included) and not be open to biased, judgmental opinions, spouted off with no thought as to how they might affect the person receiving them, nor grounded in fact. If that wish makes me "aggressive" then i'm happy to wear that label.

Lastly, I really do take your point, frangelle. I know how I must come across on here :) Once I get on my soap-box, there's no stopping me :oops: I don't mean anything. Ignore the first point (it's petty, I admit). I'm sorry.

Best wishes,
We should do a poll - who's ever tried drugs?! :D Perhaps then we could be honest without fear of recrimination (mb)
Wendy, I applaud you!

:clap: :clap: :clap: :clap:

I couldn't have said it better myself.

I admit to taking recreational drugs in my twenties. I stopped about two years before I got pregnant with my first, and have gone on to have three healthy babies. I was not a junkie, and have suffered no serious long term effects.
I hope this reassures you larceny. :hug:

Oh yeah, and I was given pethidine when in labour with Molly, it was AWFUL! It made me feel completely 'monged' and poor Molly was out of it for the first 48 hrs or so, never again! :wall:
Wendy, what great posts and some great information for some people who may not be aware of the types of drugs offered in labour. I live in Scotland too and would definetely not allow them to give me 'heroin' when I am about to give birth to my baby. I enjoyed my younger years too and am not in the slightest bit concerned that it will harm my child in any way because I know that my body is very healthy now. I wouldn't use the term 'clean' because I was never dirty if that makes sense x
Thanks for coming out, girls and proving me wrong! Seriously, it's refreshing (and I'm sure even though we didn't answer Larceny's question that she might agree?) to know that the contributers to this site can be so open-minded. It's not known what the actual percentage of the population is who've actually tried "illegal" drugs in their lifetime, but I'd reckon it's a very high percentage! Although you'd be right in rebuking me there for making an unsubstantiated remark :D

In fact, our poll should ask, "Who HASN'T tried (illegal) drugs?"

And Nik, I'm not ruling out trying heroin in labour :D I've never tried the ol' "street use" variety and didn't get the chance to (legally) before in labour either, since I had my previous 2 children in England, but maybe I should this time around? I'm joking, though I might be in so much pain I'll get to the stage where I'm shouting, "just do ANYTHING to make the pain stop" :lol:

Ah, I remember when I was naive, before I had my first baby: I had it all planned - a home water birth, birdsong CD and (in case it got REALLY bad) a TENS machine. Ha! The second birth was more like that, though both times I sucked on that gas & air pipe as though my life depended on it and would have welcomed being stunned with a mallet during a contraction, never mind a shot of diamorphine :shock:

Yes, now that I know what it's really like, I wouldn't dismiss anyone else's plans to take all the pain relief going! You just don't know how you're going to be at the for me - I'm of course going to dig out that birdsong CD again and concentrate on my breathing :rotfl:

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