Can I keep pushchair in car boot?


Well-Known Member
May 22, 2011
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I have a M&P sola in black, the inside material is greyish silver kind of soft fabric feels a bit like a sweatshirt.

As I'll be going most places by car, would it be safe for me to store the pram in the boot of the car most of the time?

The boot is clean and carpeted. I'm thinking of damp? I'm worried my cat's will ruin it if it stays in the house.
Im planning on keeping my pram most of the time in the boot! I may even leave it all unfolded when we get the new car and I have a tantrum with it and can't put it down lol!

When I say leaving the pram in the car I do generally mean just the frame of it as hopefully for shorter trips I can just use the car seat that attatches on to it and just take the car seat in the house with me.
I have 2 prams that convert into pushchairs, a super posh one that will be for going out in and another one that is 2nd hand that will be for out on the farm so it doesnt matter when it gets covered in mud etc, my posh one will probably stay in the car as its pretty big to be getting in and out every time I go out but is currently sat up stairs but the one for the farm is sat in the kitchen and both my cat and dog have the run of the house except the nursery and neither of them have touched them, I also think its a good idea for them to get used to there being a pram about so they arent as stressed.
Thanks guys. The way my pram stands when folded is so the pale fabric is nearest the floor and facing outwards. I'm scared one of the cats is going to spray it or something disgusting like that. Oh well in the boot it goes lol nowhere else to put it.
Mine will prob stay in my car. I have no where to store it really as I live in first floor flat. Plus I don't want to be carrying it up the stairs every day.xx

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