Can I join new! x


New Member
Apr 15, 2008
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Hello to you all!

Im new to this forum stuff and in need of some help and advice!

Im 24 years old, i have had two misscarriages, the last was in May 2007 at 6 weeks. We have been trying for a baby again since the last misscarriage in may 2007, but nothing! (so its nearly been a year now and still no baby!)

Hope you lovley ladies can give me some tips and advice as its getting me down now.


C xx
Hi Moonshine

Welcome to the forum. Sorry to hear that you have been having a tough time :hug:. Not sure what advice I can offer but wanted to send you lots of babydust

:hug: x
Hello Moonshine :wave: Welcome and good luck with your future TTC, hope you get a sticky BFP soon :hug:

Ive been TTC for a year too so I know how hard it is :hug:
Thanks.....bit unsure of all the lingo at the moment!
please could you put what they mean by the side of them, what is TTC?


C x
Hi :hug: Welcome to the club. Here are the abbreviations. They are also listed in technical support.


2WW .... two week wait
AF ....... 'Aunt Flo' (menstrual period)
BBS ..... breasts
BBT ..... basal body temperature
BCP ..... birth control pill
BD ....... 'baby-dance' (sexual intercourse)
BFN ..... 'big fat negative' (pregnancy test)
BFP ..... 'big fat positive' (pregnancy test)
BIL ...... brother-in-law
CD ...... cycle day
CM ...... cervical mucus
CP ....... cervical position
DD ...... dear daughter
DH ...... dear husband
DPO .... days past ovulation
DS ...... dear son
EDD .... estimated due date
EWCM .. egg-white cervical mucus
FIL ...... father-in-law
FMU ..... first morning urine
HPT ..... home pregnancy test
IB ....... implantation bleeding
LMP ..... last menstrual period
MC ...... miscarriage
MIL ..... mother-in-law
MS ...... morning sickness
O ........ ovulation
OH ...... other half (partner)
OPK .... ovulation prediction kit
PG ...... pregnant
PMT ..... pre-menstrual tension
SIL ...... sister-in-law
TMI ..... too much information
TTC ..... trying to conceive
UTI ..... urinary tract infection
:wave: Hi and welcome, I have been TTC since May 2007 as well.
Good Luck ttc :hug:
Hiya and Welcome :wave:

Good luck with TTC and hope you are not here for long for the right reason :hug:

Kate x
:wave: Welcome!

I am really sorry to hear about your m/c :hug:
I hope you get your BFP soon; I have been TTC for over a year too :(

Love Polly xxx

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