Can I insist on an earlier midwife appointment


Well-Known Member
Feb 19, 2010
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My first midwife is booked for the 18th July and I will be 8 weeks. I would like to have it sooner and hopefully get an early scan booked. I have an under active thyroide so my dosage needs to be monitored and my last pregnancy ended at 12 weeks, so I am out of my mind with worry.
Do you think if I go back to the doctors the receptionists will take pity on me and give me an earlier appointment :oooo:
Can u not just ring epu and ask for an early scan? As u have lost a baby previously they usualy don't mind giving early scans and I know some areas don't do this but no harm in asking and as for mw app I think u just have to go with what they give you xx
I don't know how your thyroid problem affects your pregnancy, but if it is something that needs to be carefully monitored and controlled through pregnancy you need to tell the receptionist that you need to see the immediately, and you need to make it very clear to the midwife your issues. I had my early scan at 6+2 (not sure why I had it, but the fertility clinic sent me for it) and was in Diabetic clinic the next day after a midwife picked up on my diabetes randomly. Diabetic clinic were miffed I hadn't been sent to them sooner!
i also have a under-active thyroid and when i was pregnant with my first child all they did was take blood tests every 2 months to check it and put your medication up if need be, i dont think that will be a reason to give you a scan quicker but if you have lost a child previously then thats definatly something to give you a earlier scan for. theres no harm in trying, worst they can say is no.

im currently pregnant again and no idea how far i am so im hoping i will find out soon.

hope everything works out for you xx
ring your hospital up hun and find out. If no early scan then you cna always book a private one :)
I'd give the hospital a call hun. Can't hurt to ask x
You don't need to see midwife/have a scan for thyroid.

You do need to be referred to an endocrinologist though. So get an appointment with your GP about that.
My first midwife is booked for the 18th July and I will be 8 weeks. I would like to have it sooner and hopefully get an early scan booked. I have an under active thyroide so my dosage needs to be monitored and my last pregnancy ended at 12 weeks, so I am out of my mind with worry.
Do you think if I go back to the doctors the receptionists will take pity on me and give me an earlier appointment :oooo:

You've nothing to lose in asking! =) goodluck x
have you managed to get an earlier appointment yet???

i think if you tell them that you're worrying then they might try and fit you in?

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