Can I be cheeky please?

xx sarah xx

Well-Known Member
Jul 8, 2006
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Hi ladies :wave:
I'm really sorry to ask but i was wondering if I could be cheeky and ask some advice for my sister? She and her hubby have been ttc for 3 months and she's worried as she hasn't noticed any EWCM. She said this is the first month she's been looking for it so she knows she hasn't just not noticed it....can you still ovulate but not have any EWCM? :think:

Sorry again but I don't really know what advice to give her :oops:
Thanks for any help :) xx
I'm not sure hun, but I think it's possible to ovulate and miss it. If your sister douches, for example, she may be washing it all out. You're not supposed to douche too much anyway, but a lot of women do.

And some months I'll have loads and the next month hardly any at all. I think it depends on a lot of things, like if you've been drinking a lot.

yeah its still possible to ovulate without noticing ewcm. it may just be that it doesnt show 'outside' if you catch my drift, therefore i suggest maybe she 'takes a look inside' with a clean finger. failing that she can use a lubricant called pre-seed which helps when there is very little ewcm present around ovualation time.
also i used something called Guafenasin (sp?) which is found in ASDA chesty cough syrup(only 88p) i took 2 teaspoons 3 times days for a week before ovulation. It increases to volume of EWCM and makes it wetter (better conditions for the sperm).
I hope that help your sister, let us know how she gets on :D .
Think I may try the cough syrup next cycle because I hardly notice my EWCM. Although I have conceived to kids before within 6 mths so I know I must have some LOL.

Well at least I did 7 yrs ago :D
Tell your sis not to worry - I didn't notice any EWCM. Had some ovulation pain on day 18 which is how I knew I'd ovulated.

I bought some Pre Seed from the internet which seemed to work a treat :D
Thanks ladies, I knew there would be no-one better to ask than pregnancy forum's ttcers :hug: I'll point her towards cough syrup and pre-seed. Thanks again, paranoia was starting to creep in, she'll really appreciate your help and so do I :hug:
Wishing you all BFPs!! :D
I conceived this past month but didn't notice any ewcm at all despite checking my cervix daily. I had some the previous two months but didn't get pg :lol:

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