Can I ask you pg ladies a stupid question?


Well-Known Member
Oct 8, 2007
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One of my friends is pg, and has been talking about scans with my other friends who have newborn babies. I really want to ask them this q, but don't want to let on that I'm ttc, so am keeping :shhh: !

How many scans are there, and does everyone have all of them? so far there seems to be a 6-week scan (optional?? or just not talked about as it's before the pregnancy is announced?), a 12-week scan and a 20-week scan.

Also - what does the number of weeks refer to - the pregnancy, or the foetus? I.e. is the 12-week scan 12 weeks from LMP, or from conception?

answers gratefully received, I'm completely lost by their conversation and I don't want to give my own game away by asking too many questions, they're already hassling me every time I see them :x

Ok it depends on the good old post code lottery as to how many scans you get offered. Where i live you get one at 12 weeks and another at 20 weeks. I have had to have 2 emergencey ones which were at 5 weeks and 6 weeks (not much to see on there!). Some ladies on here have to wait till they are 20 weeks unless they are sneeky and ask for an emergency one (which if i am honest i don't blame them!)

As from how pregnancy is calculated it is from the 1st day of your LMP (other EU countries do it from conception which is why some people say you are pregnant for 38 weeks but here in the UK we say 40 weeks)

Hope this helps x x x

Oh and i hope you get your BFP soon x x x
Not a silly question at all. As Tots Hope says it's complete luck of the draw. Where I live we only get a standard 20 week scan. As I previously had a m/c we paid for one at 7wks to see the heart beat for peace of mind and we will also pay for the 12 week scan.

Good luck with TTC. If you get the chance, pick up a copy of 'Taking Charge Of Your Fertility' its an excellent book and will hieghten your chances of concieving quickly.

Hope you join us in First Tri soon

Becs xxx
thank you, both of you!

Ok, that makes sense. My friends are all in different postcodes and different hospitals (London).

IF I get a BFP, and IF we only get a 20-week scan, I think we'd have no choice but to pay for a 12-week scan too - I'd be terrified about telling people before seeing it for myself!

Becs, I saw so many recommendations on here for TCOYF, I bought a copy about 6 weeks ago, and this is my first cycle of charting based on the book. Let's hope it works!

Thanks again!
Good luck with your charting - hope you get your BFP soon!

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