can having the flu affect my baby?? :(


Well-Known Member
Nov 8, 2011
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hey guys! woke up yesterday with a sore throat and didnt think too much of it. but as the day progressed i got alot of ache. like tight muscles and stuff. then my head started to get sore. and now im achy with a sore/heavy head, bit of a sore throat and a big old stuffed up nose. feeling absolutely terrible.

just wanted to ask if you guys think the baby will be okay through this??
can having the cold/flu affect it??
the irony is that i was going to phone my doctors on monday to book in for my flu jab!
feeling pretty nervous, having some tummy cramps (although not really sore, just average.. and ive had them throughout the pregnancy and know theyre normal.. but just feeling paranoid about them now)

would really appreciate some words of wisdom! lol

I felt like this on Friday but a warm bath and early bed helped and by Sat it had turned into a cold rather than the flu. Read my pregnancy bible and they suggested baby is well protected from all of these kind of things, but watch what meds you take as obviously some aren't ok, and if you get full blown 'can't get out of bed or raise head from the pillow' flu then call the midwife. Hope you feel better soon. xxx
thankyou! i havent even taken paracetamol! i know im allowed to but im petrified of all medicines just now! glad to hear that its thought the baby is protected, thats what i needed to hear! thanks xxx
Just checked now to be sure and apparently keep well hydrated and if you have a respiratory infection for longer than a few days see the GP. Also if you develop a high fever this can be bad for baby so again get to the Gp, take paracetomol and wear loose clothing to keep cool and bring temp down. xxx

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