Can dogs sense early labour??


Well-Known Member
Nov 12, 2009
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So I'm 39 weeks today and our dog has not left my side all day!! She's being very clingy and doing her head down ears back worried look too )classic collie).
I know dogs are very sensitive but do you think they can sense maybe the early signs of labour? Not that I've had any except approaching my due date!
Yep they can my dog became increasingle clingy the day leading up to me giving birth x
Ooooo I don't know! Although I watched Marley and Me the other day and the dog goes over to the bed moments before Jennifer Anniston's waters break so maybe?

Hope this is the start of something though! All these PF babies get me all excited for when mine will be here!! :) x
Oh I do hope so, she has been more clingy throughout but today there's a definate change in her! Or maybe she can sense my changing emotions, who knows!!
In a couple of the stories in the Ina May book they discussed dogs that became incredibly protective just before birth and would sit in the doorway of the birthing room and 'oversee' things
very different to the cats mentioned who would bugger off at the first signs of labour and then appear magically when baby was born :)
:) cats are so bloomin cheeky!

I dont see why not, dogs can tell when someone with epilepsy is about to have a seizure before that person even knows, theyre very intuitive creatures. I wonder if your dog knows that a baby is gonna arrive or just knows that something is different about you. Hope he's right anyway and youhave your LO soon!
My dog was the opposite she wouldn't come near me the day I went into labour, she lay in her bed looking worried all day. I think she knew what was going to happen for sure xx
Very interesting! Now I wish she would tell me just how imminent she thought things would happen :)
Might have to loan my cat to my Mum and steal her alarm like that would be priceless!! :)
Lets hope this is the start of things MM! xxx
I agree dogs, especially collies have very good instints so fingers crossed x
I do hope so, she's not been as bad today but still sits by me when she can!
awww thats lovely - i hope so!

me and my dog are incredibly close (he is 5 and we have been together literally 24/7 since i got him when he was 6 weeks old) and the very night i found out i was pregnant last november, he laid his head on my tummy and cuddled up to me for hours!!

and througout the pregnancy he puts his head on my tummy whereas he neevr did before.

I do think that animals have a sixth sense about things - Ive got my fingers crossed for you MM xx

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