Can anyone recommend a decent highchair suction toy?


Well-Known Member
May 11, 2007
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:wave: We have one which we use (given to us so don't know where it's from) for LO when feeding to distract her... but childminder needs one. We have another 3 but the suction pad on them is rubbish and it doesn't stick well at all...takes seconds for Imogen to pull it off and throw on floor!! Don't want her to waste money on a rubbish toy...that's of no use...

Can anyone recommend one please - thanks.
thanks Sage

We have this one too, but it's one of the ones that doesn't stick! :wall: :think: what's your magic trick to get it to stay on the highchair tray??? :lol:
No they all seem to be rubbish at sucking on but in terms of entertainment he loves the one in Marks and Spencers that spins around.
Brute force mainly!! :lol: i just wet the end with a cloth and with all my mite stick the damn thing to the highchair. my son prefers to try and pull it off rather than play with it and usually ends up getting frustrated if he cant :lol: kyran thinks i only buy him toys so that he can destroy them! god forbid if i tell him hes actually meant to play with it. its far more fun throwing them on the floor! :wall:
Sage said:
its far more fun throwing them on the floor! :wall:
:talkhand: Ooooooh yeahhhhh.... we know that game in our house!!!! :rotfl:

Hope the child minder has some muscles for the force needed to try and keep the blasted thing on!! :rotfl:
We have the M&S spinning one too, and it doesn't stay put long enough.
LO likes to pull it off and chew on the suction base, then likes throwing it onto the floor.
Why can't babies just play with toys as they are intended to be played with?!? lol!
Dont buy and toys r us ones, they dont keep their suction very long/at all :talkhand:

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