can anyone explain


Well-Known Member
Jan 24, 2011
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Didn't have the best first appointment today with mw.
Felt bad for them, as they were absolutly ruyshed off their feet.
Didn't know what to expect, but they just did a few observations and gave me a pack of info.

Apparantly I have a proper booking appointment with a different person, who will be my mw.

I tried to explain that my last af was the 2nd of Jan and then I had an mc on the 31st (cycles are 25 days)

She said that makes me 11 weeks and said they prefer to see people much earlier than that, and was rather unimpressedwith me?!

I told her that had confused me a bit, but she said don't worry, we will date you at your scan.

Then she asked if I had any questions and apologised for the rush, but they were very busy.
It's all clear as mud still! I am rubbish though, I just said thanks very much and went, could kick myself for not pushing it more, but to be honest I am a bit of a walk over at times, my own fault!

At least I'm in the system now.
How would that make you 11 weeks? Does all sound a bit confusing! My last period was 20th jan and Im 9 weeks so not sure how she worked that out unless she mis-understood about mc. I havent got my booking in app till after my 12 week scan and will 13 weeks by then so they do things differently everywhere. Do you have a scan app yet? Least you can clarify your dates then.
Hello, sorry to hear you had a miscarriage. Maybe she didn't hear that bit and only heard you saying your last period was early Jan. You couldn't be 11 weeks if you are now preg since Feb. Hopefully you'll get a lot more time to chat and ask questions at the next appointment. Good luck xx
She definitely heard about the mc, I mentioned it again to clarify it and talked briefly about the risks of having another mc due to getting pg straight after. ( she said there was little risk and it was very common) I don't have a scan date yet, but hopefully will get more time on my next appointment.
They were stressed and busy, she even answered her moble in the middle of the appointment.
Oh well, hoping for a better appointment next time.
hmm... Well my lat period was 16 Jan, and I'm 8 weeks (but I have a long cycle). I guess you could really be around 11 weeks?

I believe they usually want to see girls in their 8-9 weeks, so they can arrange the 12 w scan for them (which takes some time).

It's rubbish that they were rushing you though!

I must say my appointment with mw was not that wonderful either. She kept saying that she doesn't know things. Doesn't know why I was given 7 weeks at my scan (doesn't know how it's calculated), doesn't know anything about benefits available to me etc. Oh well, at least they gave me a nice book that contains lots of info. Did you get one too?
Yeah, i did get an info pack.
i just thought to date it, you would go from the date i had my heavy bleed from mc, which was 31st of jan. She asked when my last period was, which was jan 2nd, but then i had the mc, which isn't a period is it? I told her all this, but feel more confused now than i did before.
I know i cannot be 11 weeks, just cannot understand how she came to this conclusion.
oh yeah, and she said, " don't look on the internet for advice and information, there's either too little or too much on there, just refer to the pack"
Yeah right, ok :rofl:
Yeah, i did get an info pack.
i just thought to date it, you would go from the date i had my heavy bleed from mc, which was 31st of jan. She asked when my last period was, which was jan 2nd, but then i had the mc, which isn't a period is it? I told her all this, but feel more confused now than i did before.
I know i cannot be 11 weeks, just cannot understand how she came to this conclusion.

oh yes sorry of course.

the only question (it could be a bit silly, sorry) - you are sure you had a mc, not just a heavy bleeding, right?...

my mum had a heavy first period while she was pregnant with me. But it wasn't an mc, cause here I am :) Apparently it happens.

I mean I'm not sure why I'm saying this - I'm sure you know what you had. Just seems strange that your mw can't calculate things properly!
oh yeah, and she said, " don't look on the internet for advice and information, there's either too little or too much on there, just refer to the pack"
Yeah right, ok :rofl:

lol noooo of course not - who would do that! :lol:
not silly at all, it's always a possibility, bleeds are fairly common.
I went to the gp and she did two negative tests and i did one at home by accident, as i had a test mixed in with my ov kits and only discovered it, when i opened the pink wrapper.
Thought i might as well test, but that was negative too.
Also when i tested with a cb digital on the 27th of Feb it came up 2-3 weeks (after conception)
so I reckon my ticker is roughly about right, but we shall have to wait and see xx
not silly at all, it's always a possibility, bleeds are fairly common.
I went to the gp and she did two negative tests and i did one at home by accident, as i had a test mixed in with my ov kits and only discovered it, when i opened the pink wrapper.
Thought i might as well test, but that was negative too.
Also when i tested with a cb digital on the 27th of Feb it came up 2-3 weeks (after conception)
so I reckon my ticker is roughly about right, but we shall have to wait and see xx

right... yes, I guess will need to wait and see!

the good thing is that if your mw thought you are 11 weeks, she'll send you to the scan earlier :) you probably won't mind that!
Had a much better appointment today, being sent for an early dating scan.

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