C-sections - spinal block, epidural or general anesthetic?


Well-Known Member
Nov 14, 2006
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Hey all,

I have an appointement with a consultant tomorrow re my C section.

Please can you give me your thoughts and experiences on your c sections and which option I'd be best to go for if a get a choice on how it is done.

I'm really confused about the whole thing at the mo!

Piglet xx
I havent had a c section but had to have a spinal with my forceps birth. It numbs you all the way into your chest but you can still breath, it feels pretty odd though, after they give you something to reverse it and it takes a few hours to where off. It is done the same way as an epidural.

One word of advice, if you have a spinal dont drink water when your still on the operating table as if it goes down the wrong hole its not easy to cough to get it moving :?
i was totally knocked out because i have a fear of needles, the procedure itself was fine and waking up was like waking up from a deep sleep, down sides are that you dont get meet LO for a bit (obv as you are asleep) and you cant have any family in there with you eg OH. good luck :hug:
I've had both an epidural and spinal c-section delivery. The first was epidural and worked great for me. The second (most recent) was with a spinal injection and I think that was slightly better in terms of recovery. The epidural took longer to wear off and I felt very sick after whereas the spinal wore off in about 4 hours and I felt only slightly sick.

The epidural drugs are administered via a tube which stays in your spine throughout the delivery. It's usually taped on your shoulder and they can top up the anaesthesia if required. The spinal is just one injection into the back. It did sting a bit but was over quickly. With the epidural it took 3 attempts to get it into the right place in my back. That was a bit frustrating and uncomfortable at the time.

Good luck with your consultation.
I had c section after failed induction and was terrified as my sis had a bad experience with hers previously...but I really wanted to be awake and have OH with me. Sis had an emergency section and she was so upset that she didnt see LO until hours after the birth.

We went for the spinal block/epidural (I am not certain which it was tho, it all happened quite quick :oops: ). It was uncomfortable while they were doing it, and I didnt like the feeling once my legs went numb. I was shaking from head to toe, but was told this was a normal reaction and it soon died down. It as all over so quickly, and I actully felt them lift her from me which was the most AMAZING feeling!! It was so brillant, and we got to see her straight away.

The only downside was I coldnt hold her for a while, OH had first cuddles, and then they lay her on my chest skin to skin in the recovery room.

I was back on the ward an hour later, but couldnt move really until the folloing morning when I was up and sat in a chair, then in the shower a few hours later.

All in all I found my c section to be a very positive experience, it was a wonderfull joyful birth nd the staff made it such a happy experience for us both

Good luck xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
If you felt anything then chances are that you had an epidural as spinal blocks everything out.
My C-Section was an emergency one and I had a spinal block (I have a big needle phobia)
Hi hun

Diffo go for a spinal block if ur given the option, i have expernced both epidural and spinal, and like someone has said a spinal wears off in 3 hrs and a epidual takes much longer and can make u feel sick etc, also epidural sometimes dont work. I think if u are having a planned section they will be no choice i think u will get a spinal block, they dont hurt it just feels like a tiny prick in ur back then loads of pressure, its fun hun try not to worry :hug:
hi i had a emergency csection which was a spinal block whick numbed everything my oh got first cuddles but as soon as we were in thr recovery room i had skin to skin contact with jayde :D
Good thinking Piglet I didn't have to make a post after all.

From what I have read here I think I am def going to go for the spinal! It sounds alot better then an epidoodle as Honey would say :rotfl:
I'm having the spinal got my appointment soon for all the paper work to be signed and what not :eek:
I'm having the spinal got my appointment soon for all the paper work to be signed and what not :eek:
Well thank you everyone for your replys!

My consultant seemed hell bent on the idea of an epidural - but I wonder if i get a choice? I was so wound up at the appointment I forgot to ask!

I have to go the day before, on the 5th, to have an injection and take some pills or something - I wonder if I wait till then to ask about the spinal? I'm seeing the MW on thursday, maybe she will know more....

Thanks again for your thoughts everyone! :hug:

Piglet xx
ive had 2 sections.. and both times had a spinal.. worked great!

had a epidural for my 1st vag birth and it didnt work :x

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