c section v natural delivery ?


Well-Known Member
Jun 26, 2006
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Sorry me again....

At my apt with mw today she mentioned that I would be refered to a consultant as I had a c section last time.

She said that I would be given a choice by the hospital as to how I wanted to deliver, obviously i regard to my other post, if I have twins I will take c section but what if there's one?

I'm not too hot on the pros and cons of natural deliveries as I never had the option last time.

I would be very grateful if you ladies in the know could put forward your views of what is the best option and why...

Would be much appreciated...it's a big decision to be asked to make!

Thank you ladies
hey hun, ive been there done it both ways sectin first and i can tell you for a matter of fact, natural is best. I kno everyone is different anway but for me the section was aweful i was knockd out, cant remember the first time i saw my own son and THAT HURTS, lots. im crying now just thinking about it.

Everyone said youd get a rush of love when u see your baby for the first time, and well to be honest i hate explaining wat im about to write, but i hated him, i hated him for beeing breech and i wished id never got preg. After about a week i kissed him for the first time and then reaslised it wasnt his fault but the midwife who didnt refer me soon enough to have him turned.

This time around, home birth after caesarean , it was lovely, in my own home so over night baby wouldnt be seperated from dad, and well that rush of love, i know what it feels like now. I loved beeing in labour i really did. itr was a magical time for me and although some contractions were intense i loved every min of it, ok i wish it had been shorter but there we go.

i notice ur in oxford, i cam from up there and moved only a fe wmiles away, if u wanna chat pm me and ill guide advise you and perhaps chat through msn ?

take care n e way hun, keep well and fight for what you want, like i say been there done it twice diff ways and i kno wat ID prefer, im not you though so i cant make your decision for you,

take care hun

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