C - Section tomorrow!!

Tracey S

Well-Known Member
Apr 22, 2007
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I am going in first thing in the morning :D

I have had a few problems this last few weeks with blood pressure and being diagnosed with Gesational Diabetes, the consultant doesnt want to take any chances so tomorrow it is!

Its been a long time coming - 3 years in all, with the 2 miscarriages and then losing Heidi last year to Edwards Syndrome, its a day I thought would never come, I cant believe that hopefully this time tomorrow it will all be over and we will have our darling and so much longed for baby.

I have Tracey2 as my text buddy so I will let her know how things go, and good luck to all the other full term ladies, lets hope your bubbas dont keep you waiting too long.

Tracey xx
Good luck Tracey - I've been following your story and can't wait for you to be cuddling your newborn.

Valentine Xxx
Good luck honey, I hope it all goes well for you. i had a planned section with my daughter and it's just brought back reading your message all the different emotions I felt in the build up to the day and on the day. Not long now till your with your baby :cheer: :hug: :hug:
Good luck with the c-section. Not long know until you will have your precious baby in your arms. :hug:
Oh wow :hug: its so lovely when theres a happy ending! im so glad for you and wish you all the best for when you meet your little bubs tomorrow :hug: :hug:
good luck i am so excited for you not long now
Best of luck Tracey. How exciting for you. xx
Oh wow hunny!

You are on my list of "I wish healthy babies for.....". I've followed you through your heartache and now your joy!

Sooooo happy for you luv!
Good luck for tomorrow! How lovely that little one will be in your arms so soon!

All the best,

Sarah x

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