C section scar infection?


Well-Known Member
Jul 30, 2006
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I thought Id come through the worst, with two infections and a horrible time getting settled with bf-ing, now it seems my scar may be infected 4 weeks on, the nurse took a swab and put a dressing on (which I must change after every shower), and said it seemed slightly red at two points. Il find out friday if there is an infection but I dont feel unwell or anything. The only thing is that it smells a little, has anyone had this? Im scared after reading about stories where things have got so worse that women have had to be hospitalized!
Plz help! :hug:
hi hun i had 2 infections in my section scar i didnt really feel unwell with it but had an awful smell and it was weeping took 2 lots of antibiotics but now its all better at 1 point mine started pouring out fluid (sorry if too much info but we were mopping it up with towels) it was really frightening and it was discussed if maybe i would be better off in hospital but had swabs done and kept it well padded up and hardly moved and it gradually eased
1 thing my midwife did tell me was to change the dressings at least 3 times a day and bathe it with boiled water as bacteria will multiply fast on the dressing if its weeping so the more you change it the better and dry it with a hairdryer not a towel make sure they have given you covering antibiotics till they get your swab results in case it is infected and providing your on the right ones you should notice a difference soon xxxxxxx
I felt really unwell the week after my section...I nearly passed out and felt like I had the worst case of flu and the worst hangover ever at the same time :( The following evening, fluid was pouring from one end of the scar...I went to GP out of hours and they said it was a really nasty infection and wanted to keep me in-I was so upset as I had to leave Ruby, so they sent me home with a double dose on anti biotics and instructions to see my GP the next day...it took 2 courses on anti bitoics and a week of near bed rest to clear it up-both end stitches had popped to release the infection :puke: Midwives came daily to change dressing.

Still, its all a distant memory now.Hope you heal well :hug: xxxxxxxxxxxxx
I had a bad hematoma on my c-section scar after I had my first son. I won't go into details but it was pretty scary at the time and I thought, at one point, I'd never feel "normal" again.

If you have a small infection it's likely it can be treated with oral anti-biotics and regular dressing changes. Just watch out for any other signs like heat around the area, flu like symptoms, smelly oozing discharge from the scar etc. Get your GP's nurse to check it out if you feel unsure about anything.

Put a few drops of Tea Tree Oil in warm water. Dip cotton wool in it and wash your scar, dry well. It dosent sting or anything and works real well. Do it as mant times a day as you feel you want/need to.
Thx for the advice girls! Got the results of the swab, Im in the clear, phew, but not taking any chances so Im putting a sanitary pad over it and using the tea tree oil (thanx claire :hug: ) and it really helps, how long does it actually take to heal properly and what are the signs? I mean, how long should I wear the pad for to keep it dry?
Reena said:
Thx for the advice girls! Got the results of the swab, Im in the clear, phew, but not taking any chances so Im putting a sanitary pad over it and using the tea tree oil (thanx claire :hug: ) and it really helps, how long does it actually take to heal properly and what are the signs? I mean, how long should I wear the pad for to keep it dry?

I am still using Tea Tree, been about 3 weeks now but just once or twice a day, depends how I feel. I'm glad it's working, it smells nice too eh. :D You can also put some in the bath but I find it best used as I said. I don't bother with a pad but if it's infected still I would do.
Reena said:
Thx for the advice girls! Got the results of the swab, Im in the clear, phew, but not taking any chances so Im putting a sanitary pad over it and using the tea tree oil (thanx claire :hug: ) and it really helps, how long does it actually take to heal properly and what are the signs? I mean, how long should I wear the pad for to keep it dry?

Once the scar dries out and there's no more signs of redness/heat etc it usually means you are on the mend. If the sanitary pad is too thick try a panty liner stuck in your knickers so it's soft side onto the scar. Just be careful no underwear you have rubs the scar too. :)

Glad you haven't got an infection. :hug:

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