c sec scar question need an opinion please please please xx


Well-Known Member
Apr 29, 2008
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I had normal with ds1 and an elective c sec with ds 2 as he was breech and wouldnt turn.

I have been having growth scans for this one because it is far bigger than my dates between 3 - 5 weeks each time and it was 4lb 3oz at 27 weeks I am now 35 weeks and i have had a show and its 3/5th engaged Im off for another scan 2moz i want the doc to concider earlyer date or enduce me on my due date so i dont go over (ds1 was 16 days over)

the thing I am worried about it i found my section very hard on a personal level i suffered pnd very bad so bad it almost lost me my husband and my son!
I want to avoid one this time if i can as when i even think about it some of those feelings come back again and i begin to bk to that horid place i was in 2 years ago and I dont want to go there.

I am worries that the size of the baby will put pressure on my waters and make me go early but more worrieying I am scared it will rupture my scar as my scar has been itchy the last week or so im not sure if that is normal or not?

so my worry is do i tell the doc my scar is itchy on fear he books me in for a sec there and then or do i say nothing and hope it goes away?

i really dont think ill cope with another sec the thoght of another frightens and panics me so much :cry:
don't worry honey - talk to your doctor and tell them your worries but the scar is not itchy because it is breaking down.

When you are sewn up after a section there are actually lots of scars as there is one on each layer from yout womb to your skin. It is the one of your womb that they worry about scar rupture as it is scar through a muscle (your womb) and if you are in labour for a long time it can put pressure on your scar causing it to rupture.

The scar on the top layer (your skin) is itchy because your skin is stretching and the scar tissue doesn't stretch as well - this is normal - lots of moisturiser can help :) don't worry :)

From having a normal delivery then your section as an elective for breech it sounds liek you would be an excellent candidate for VBAC (vaginal birth after caesarean) where you would have a monitored normal delivery with a theatre and surgeon around should you need to have an emergency section (ie if there are any warnign signs that suggest your scar is not holding up so well). This is because you know your body can push a baby out and it is likely to do fine this time too :) :hug: :hug: :hug:

It is very important that you tell your doctor your worries as otherwise they can't help (they are not psychic). They are unlikely to want to induce you if at all possible because of the possibility of stronger contractions putting more pressure on the uterus and the scar before you are ready. But talk to them :) :hug:
hi hun x
Thank you so much for your reply you make so much sence and Id never thoght of the layers to the scar thing I feel a little better about mentioning it to my doc 2moz xx
thank you so so much xx
will update when i get bk 2moz xx

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