Bye girls....I'm off to Tri 3.....


Well-Known Member
Nov 8, 2007
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Hi Girls

Hope you are all well.

Well yesterday was my last day in tri 2 and i'm off to knock on the doors off Tri 3 now :dance:

Thank you to everyone who has given me advice and support, i seriously dont know where i'd be without this site or you all.

Oh i have my 4d scan on Sat so i'll pop back in here and show you my piccys of my little boy. My god i am so excited for that, me and OH have asked my sister to come along with us so should be a really special day.

Hurry and come join me and to those girls who have not long arrived in Tri 2..... this tri goes over so fast!!!

Good luck to everyone

Speak soon.

:hug: xxxxxx :hug:

wow - cant believe your moving to Third Tri already :shock: its gone so quick hun!!!

come and join me though :D i have saved you a seat!!! :D

cant wait to see your 4D piccis at weekend :cheer:
Have fun and good luck!! I hope your right about tri 2 going fast!! :hug:
:shock: OMG - I can't believe you're off already!
Have fun at the scan and damn right you will have to pop back in as we wanna see the pics! :lol:
Lucky you!!!! see you soon and have fun in TRI 3 :dance:
Yay have fun hun!!
I will be joining you next week! :cheer:
Thanks girls :hug: :hug:

Chok - i'll def be back to show you my pics :D

Lea M - this time next week you'll be there with me :cheer:

Even though i'm in Tri 3 i keep looking in here first, out of habit lol.

Take care xxxx
oh my word thats gone so quick :shock: :shock: :shock:
hope 3rd tri goes quickly for you hun and you are soon holding your baby :D good luck for your scan on saturday cant wait to see the pics :cheer: xxxxxxxxxxx
I'm coming to join you all!!!!

:dance: :cheer:

Good luck in Tri 3

Enjoy tri 3...really looking forward to seeing your 4D scan pictures :hug:
Good luck in tri 3 and I hope you have a great 4d scan. :D

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