buying a temp taking thermometer


Well-Known Member
May 21, 2007
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Is there a certain type of thermometer I need to get, or will any medical one do? Can someone post me an intro to temp taking for conception, or the URL for one?

I'm sure you know what I'm sort of trying to say- more than I do as I have no clue as to how to start :lol:
If you got to boots(you may be able to get them somewhere else too, but I know girls on here have got them at boots) and in the thermometer section there should be one called a Basal Thermometer. They measure your temp to two places past the decimal point (i.e. 97.23 degrees). I'm guessing that any thermometer that measures to a one-hundreths of a degree would be fine.
The thermo I got actually said "For acurate family planning" on the package.
I've just started charting on Fertility Friend for the first time. The only thing there is to know really is to make sure you take your temp first thing before you do anything else as your temp rises pretty quickly after waking.

Good luck! I hope this helps!
you need to buy a basal body temp thermometer as they measure to one tenth of a degree, i got mine last time of ebay (cheaper), then go on fertility friend website and start charting.....

Good luck hun this is TTC month 2 for me so fingers crossed as it took 2 years last time.....

Baby dust to you. :D

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