busy day today


Well-Known Member
Jan 10, 2007
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well its brothers 26th birthday today so i have to travel to met him and give him ards ect
also need to see my dad and show him new baby pics and both my sisters
but ned to sort out my t-shirt as its to tight round armpits so makes me sweaty betty going to attack it with a pair of sissors :D
also my fone should be here today finaly so i cant wait :)
oh and posties are bak at work so no doubt il get a huge pile of bills to sort out hehe
whats everyone else up to today?
manda xx
Well, I had my first lot of morning sickness this morning. Im walking My daughter to college, Getting some food from the shop, probably been sick a few times, having a nap and watching tv.
Im at work and have a big meeting to discuss the changes at work. My boss knows i am pregnant so this is going to seriously influence theie decision on what i can now do so i may have to be moved from my friends :x

Not feeling great this morning couldn't sleep lastnight after i got a message from my sisters boyfriend saying they had broken up, she is now going away fora couple of days so i can't even be there to support her.

Think that is about it, well the day started off rubbish so iguess it can only get better x x x
aww tots im sorry its only early though
i hope the day gets better for you
and im sure your sister will be in touch if she needs you
manda xx
Should be getting some clothes delievered from little woods to try on for my sisters wedding! :D other than that im gonna spend some time with my unborn baby lol
At work, sitting on an IT training bus in the middle of an industrial estate. Scenery is stunning..not, but at least I can surf all day

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