busy busy busy!! but what next?


Well-Known Member
Nov 11, 2007
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Hi everyone!!

I just wanted to say my DH and I are going a bit nuts I think.

We went and bought a pram the other day, and we have just picked up a second hand cot from an ad on Gumtree (it's solid pine - a bargain!).
We also started clearing out the room which will be the LO's. Unfortunately there is a big wardrobe in there which was full of our stuff - which we have just dumped on our bed. Fortunately last night we were staying at my parents but i'm not sure how we will get into bed tonight!!
We are painting the room now. We got one of those paint pod things that are meant to make it easier. It was a bit less messy until DH didn't read the instructions properly and sprayed painty water everywhere.
I hate decorating!!

Anyway, now we have a pram (with carseat) and a cot. What else is it important to get?
Well im using the back of the mothercare catalogue to tick off what i need to get. Ive got most things (except the big items) One thing i would say is dont buy loads of baby grows if you know someone who has recently had a baby. I made this mistake and now have loads as people hand them down ! Its great but i cant shut the drawers i have so many!
Claire x
well i have just about everything i need now :D
hennaly said:
well i have just about everything i need now :D

Have you got your breast pads, maternity pads and all the hospital milarky? Thats the next stage for me.. hmmm.. cant wait!

Claire x
kmac said:
Hi everyone!!

I just wanted to say my DH and I are going a bit nuts I think.

We went and bought a pram the other day, and we have just picked up a second hand cot from an ad on Gumtree (it's solid pine - a bargain!).
We also started clearing out the room which will be the LO's. Unfortunately there is a big wardrobe in there which was full of our stuff - which we have just dumped on our bed. Fortunately last night we were staying at my parents but i'm not sure how we will get into bed tonight!!
We are painting the room now. We got one of those paint pod things that are meant to make it easier. It was a bit less messy until DH didn't read the instructions properly and sprayed painty water everywhere.
I hate decorating!!

Anyway, now we have a pram (with carseat) and a cot. What else is it important to get?

If you get one of the baby store catalogues, like Babies r Us of Mothercare, they have pull out check lists.

We have the Mothercare one pinned to the kitchen board and have used it to tick off as we go :)
A moses basket might be the best thing to look at next because typically, this is what baby sleeps in from day one in your room. Personally, I found mine invaluable as Jacob stayed in it until 4 months old but my friend only used hers for 4 days and then baby moved to his cot. If you can get one in the sale etc, even better!
I wanna see pics!! :D :cheer: I love looking at baby stuff!
Thanks girls.
Will def get a catalogue with a check list!
And yes, a Moses basket would be sensible - thanks!!

Lea - when it's done i wil post pics but the room is a disaster at te moment. We are on our 5th coat of paint now as the walls were bright blue before :( it just won't go away!!
Ooohhh nooooooo lol my babs room is bright blue at the min! :doh: Im :pray: now that I can cover it more easily!!! Cant be doing 5 coats of paint lmao! Ooh better get started now then hadnt i!? lol
We've been gradually buying bits. We're moving house in October so it's just extra stuff to move.. we have our pushchair ordered though, we've gone for the Mamas & Papas Luna :D

One thing I have bought is a Lindam day & night feeding system
http://www.mothercare.com/gp/product/B0 ... 8&mcb=core
apparantly they're a god send.... no more boiling kettles at stupid'o'clock in a morning :D

H x x
oh wow, you are all so organized. I have only bought a travel system from Babies R Us. It was discounted from £ 250 to £ 149 - couldn't resist the bargain even though I promissed myself not to buy nothing until my 23 weeks scan on 3rd September. I don't feel guilty anymore :cheer:
We are STILL painting :(
DH thinks we will finish it tonight - I ain't so sure!!
We had to go and buy a darker paint to drown out that blue, so then the nice "Jungle Friends" border we got totally didn't go, so had to take it back and swapped it for a teddy/cat/dog one. So it's not quite working out like i thought but hopefully it will still look nice!
I cannot wait until it's finished!!!!! (then I can start buying lots of things to fill it up!!

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