Bump vs Laptop


Well-Known Member
Jan 24, 2010
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Firstly I hope there are no health implications for baby when resting a laptop on the bump :oooo:

Anyway, does anyone elses baby take offence to the laptop being put on their bump? When I'm laying down and have the laptop resting on my belly baby seems to have a fit of rage and boots away at it :lol: attitude or what :roll:
My laptop gets the occasional battering, my LO doesn't seem bothered by things being placed upon her, except my nephew, who gets a massive kicking! Poor little boy!
To be fair my l/o seems to take issue with everything, laptop, dopplers, scanner (during 20 week scan) gawd!! :lol:
mine goes mad with the laptop on it too lol makes me laugh watching him or her squirming about tryna boot it off :p xx
my OH goes mad when i put the laptop there.......he has no good reason as to why i shouldn't though!

Princess i love ur little one already!! proper attitude!! xxxx

ps - good to see u here - we've missed u!! xxx
I try to avoid putting laptop on bump because of the wifi signals, not sure how good it is for baby.
Bit of a shame though, the bump is mighty convenient for balancing things on!
aww sweet :love:

when i turn laptop on first LO goes a bit nuts, but then settles down....

think i woke sticky this morning. baby was very quiet and when i got outta bed went nuts as if to say "how dare you wake me" lol

OH thinks we have trouble! :rofl:
I was a wee bit worried about resting laptop on bump - but at least mine's not big enough to fight back yet. lol
I sit mine on my knees as baby def boots it! I don't think they like it, I've heard it's the wifi signals annoy them. The iPad even gets really kicked now too!
Yeah the wifi thing did cross my mind, but then I thought we are constantly round signals aren't we? mobiles, wifi, tv digital signals, sky etc etc but yes, I have wondered about it myself.

As if to make a liar out of me, baby has decided to calm down a bit. That's his/her favourite trick, to act up and then when I tell someone about it, goes quiet :lol:
it could be the heat or vibrations from the fan
Pickle does it all the time. Got so strong about a week ago that the laptop actually moved.
He or she is the same with anything resting on bump, whether it's laptop, a hand, my handbag when I'm on the bus, whatever!
Tom Prawn does it all the time and it makes me giggle - i've even found myself saying alright alright mummy's sorry! He does it with everything though, when i was working if i was too close to the desk, or if i rest my hand on him.....i like to see it as reaching out for me ;) x
If I had a laptop mine probably would!! He doesnt like dopplers lol or scans...hahah the midwife told me I had trouble coming with him after he gave her a good old boot lmao :)
I love it, feels like our babies are showing us a bit of their personalities already!

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