Bump movements!


Well-Known Member
May 22, 2010
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I call the baby "bump" as I hate calling it "it" but don't know what the sex is!
Anywayssss. Movement is meant to be decreased now, right? Their running out of space so there's not much they can do?
Bump has been moving A LOT less in the past week. It will move 4/5 times one after the other... but generally I will feel max 8/9 movements a day. That's ok isn't it?
It's so strange, one moment, I feel really selfish for not wanting to go and get checked for random things and just feel so laid back.
On the other hand, i freak out about some things!
I'm hoping my freaky moods die out after the pregnancy!
I'm sure 8-9 times is fine Hun! When I was pregnant I used to make sure I felt at least 10 movements a day but like you say there's hardly any room left so movements will slow down
How many weeks are you? Bubs definately moves a lot less than in tri 2, he has got a lot less space now.

My MW told me that i should be feeling him move at least 10 times a day, but i would say i feel him move more than 10 times most days, but he does have quiet days.

If you are worried, phone your midwife xxx
I'm 34 weeks and a day, cool, just checking, I have an appointment tomorrow anyway!

the mw at my ante natal class the other day said that there should not be reduced movement - bump should be moving around about 10 times a day and even shifts around whilst you are in labour.

hope your appt goes well.
I find I am getting very different movements at the moment, I feel a lot of bumps like she has bumped against my tummy or something rather than as many kicks. I do feel big movements very regularly but as I say they are more 'bumpy' than kicks.
So had my MW appointment. They said 10 a day is fine, but I didn't realise what they meant by ten a day. I always thought they meant just 10 kicks, apparantly, they actually mean 10 sets of movements, so if bump moves a lot in 2/3 mins, thats also classed as 1!
They checked heartbeat and all fine today, but as, using their way, I have only been getting 3/4 sets of movements a day, they said as of tomorrow to keep the kick chart religiously and go straight ot the hospital if I notice it decreased again.
I'll be up there everyday!
Glad everything is ok - you probably just have a lazy baby! xxx
This one just seems to be going out of its way to stress me out! Lol makes me think its a boy because my daughter never gave me any of this!

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