Bump Goes Flat?


Well-Known Member
Sep 23, 2008
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I've noticed in the last couple of days that my bump feels loads flatter when I wake up in the morning and I get all worried something has happened :( Felt little one kicking out a bit today and my tummy was "jumping" when I lay on my back, but I was also panicking about where my bump seemed to have disappeared to! Does anyone else get this in the morning? It looks and feels more normal now I'm up and about...!
it could be that lil girl is lying by your back :D and that's why it's more 'flatter' and then when you get up she moves to nearer to your front so it goes into a normal shape bump :cheer: :cheer:
Oooh I didn't think of that! Thanks for the info :D I love how my tummy jumps when she kicks now! Can feel it without having my hand there! :dance: :cheer:
When I wake up in the morning and I've been sleeping on my back.. I find that baby has rested just inderneath my belly-button and I can feel the hardness of her sitting there.. i can almost feel her head, bum, etc.. I think she lays across my tummy.. but I'm not sure. I've never felt any flatness.. maybe a bit of emptiness at the top under my ribs but only cos baby isnt big enough to reach up there yet.. unless I've been sitting at my desk at work for long periods of time.. in which case.. baby makes her move up there towards my ribs (not sure if shes supposed to but she does!)

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