Brown Discharge


Well-Known Member
Oct 22, 2007
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I know there have been some posts on this subject already this weeks, and sadly there has been bad news in some cases, so to those that have experienced a loss, i am really sorry.

But i am scared and want some advice / encouragement...

Since yesterday i have had some very light brown discharge when i wipe, and a little stain in my nicks.

Its very light, almost a creamy brown colour, and there isn't much of it, but i am freaking out. I'm nearly 10 weeks gone. I have been having cramps on and off since about week 2 so i am not really worrying about that. When i woke up this morning my breasts were'nt sore like they ususally are either, but they are a bit tender again now.

I called my midwife yesterday and she said that what will be will be, and all i can do is keep an eye on things and wait until my first scan, which isn't until 14 december!

I'm so scared for my baby i just don't know what to do.

I thinks its pretty normal to get a bit of spotting, iv also had cramping from early on.
Try not to worry about it too much, although I know its easier said than done! :hug:
I had this at 6, 8, 9, 11 and 20 weeks and have never been given a reason other than "it just happens". If you;d like to, you can read my blog as it goes into depth there about it. Might put your ind at rest xxx
Sweetheart, Has others have said it does happen with all the changes going on in your body, just relax, try and take it easy and i know it seems like forever again but wait for your scan date and im sure everything will be ok....I know its hard... :hug:

If it's only very light it could just be normal discharge and hopefully is nothing to worry about. I've had quite a lot which varies from white to slightly yellowish, which of course I am constantly checking, but when I had my m/c it was fresh blood.

All the best. :hug:
Thanks to everyone who has replied, it seems to have stopped for now so i am breathing a sigh of releaf. I had REALLY bad morning sickness this morning which i took to be a good sign, a stark reminder that something is still hanging on in there!

Hope you're all feeling well, and if you're waiting for the 12 weeks scan like me, let me know how it goes when it comes round! I can't wait for mine, have to be patient until 14 December, only 22 days until i get to see my baby! :cheer:
Hi Rosie,

Really glad it has stopped and the morning sickness is a very good sign.

Good luck with your scan. I'm 12 weeks at Christmas so I don't know when I will get one but I am going to try and get one before I go away on the 18th December.

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