

Well-Known Member
Oct 8, 2007
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i am sooo broody :wall: i miss being pregnant and i just love aiden sooo much, i want loads of little aidens :lol:

why do we get so broody?? :think: anyone else??
Don't think it goes away either cause it doesn't!! I never thought I'd want anymore children (I have 3 boys and 1 girl 20, 15, 14 and 6) after dd but here I am again yearning for one more - think its cause its last chance saloon for me because I'm sooooo old - lol!!! :rotfl: :rotfl:
I was! Terribly broody. But to be honest, the way i'm feeling right now i don't think another child deserves a mother like me. Poor Angel has to deal with it. She was easier as a tiny newborn. But i'm a rubbish mother so don't want another baby any time soon.
LisaJ1986 said:
I was! Terribly broody. But to be honest, the way i'm feeling right now i don't think another child deserves a mother like me. Poor Angel has to deal with it. She was easier as a tiny newborn. But i'm a rubbish mother so don't want another baby any time soon.

OMG You are not a bad mum hun! from what i've seen on here, you're great and she's lucky to have ya :hug: :hug:
LisaJ1986 said:
I was! Terribly broody. But to be honest, the way i'm feeling right now i don't think another child deserves a mother like me. Poor Angel has to deal with it. She was easier as a tiny newborn. But i'm a rubbish mother so don't want another baby any time soon.

Lisa don't be silly sweetie!! Angel has a fantastic mummy!!! she is so lucky to have you hun, please don't think like that :( and your next one will be just as lucky :wink: xxxxxxxx
san said:
Don't think it goes away either cause it doesn't!! I never thought I'd want anymore children (I have 3 boys and 1 girl 20, 15, 14 and 6) after dd but here I am again yearning for one more - think its cause its last chance saloon for me because I'm sooooo old - lol!!! :rotfl: :rotfl:

:lol: i think you should have another then :wink: go onnnn :rotfl:
Thanks. Just in a low mood today. I didn't get any sleep last night as she just screamed. OH doesn't seem to understand how i feel.
LisaJ1986 said:
Thanks. Just in a low mood today. I didn't get any sleep last night as she just screamed. OH doesn't seem to understand how i feel.

Lisa tiredness is a killer and screaming babies who can't tell you whats wrong are torture. :hug: You know in the middle of the night when you're walking the floor you're not alone - millions of homes across the country are all walking the floor with you :hug: doesn't feel like it I know but they are! You are not a bad mummy, you are a tired mummy, a grumpy mummy and a lovely mummy. Take care and get a nap when she does - the housework can wait!
PS: In my experience most men don't understand :rotfl:
I was broody when he was around 4 months but now he's mobile and a complete pain :rotfl: I'd be happy to have it stitched up :rotfl:
i'm hugely broody....
And dh had said absolutely no more, we couldn't afford it and could barely afford the 2 we have... But, and only told one person this, last night we had a huge heart to heart after many arguments over the past few weeks and he agreed to try one last time in september 09 :cheer: but the deal clincher was that he was allowed to buy an xbox 360... So the "can't afford anything" bullshit went out of the window then!!
monster_munch said:
i'm hugely broody....
And dh had said absolutely no more, we couldn't afford it and could barely afford the 2 we have... But, and only told one person this, last night we had a huge heart to heart after many arguments over the past few weeks and he agreed to try one last time in september 09 :cheer: but the deal clincher was that he was allowed to buy an xbox 360... So the "can't afford anything" bullsh*t went out of the window then!!

yeyyy!! one more bean!! thats great news hun :hug: and all it took was an xbox! think how many more you could have for a new laptop/ps3/iphone for him :rotfl:
I get broody too... but right now another baby would be inconvenient and difficult. lil miss is a proper mischievous handful and another one would be very difficult to handle. Having babies close together (within 12months) risks premature birth and low birth weight, plus I want to give my LO the very best start in terms of breastfeeding... So I just let myself be broody and know in a year or so we will try again:) a year is no time really :)
Totally agree Squiglet - I'd love to TTC sooner, but I would regret it in the long run as I want to make sure Green Bean gets the best from me, and that I can enjoy him fully :D
Still can't wait till September though :oops:

Sarafet... the blowjobs and fabulous kinky sex he got last night helped too I reckon ;) :rotfl:
monster_munch said:
i'm hugely broody....
And dh had said absolutely no more, we couldn't afford it and could barely afford the 2 we have... But, and only told one person this, last night we had a huge heart to heart after many arguments over the past few weeks and he agreed to try one last time in september 09 :cheer: but the deal clincher was that he was allowed to buy an xbox 360... So the "can't afford anything" bullsh*t went out of the window then!!

I'm trying to get rid of OH's xbox 360 Elite!!! He couldn't afford my Birthday or Xmas last year, then in January he bought a bloody thing!!! And he only flipping uses it as a DVD player!!!
LisaJ1986 said:
monster_munch said:
i'm hugely broody....
And dh had said absolutely no more, we couldn't afford it and could barely afford the 2 we have... But, and only told one person this, last night we had a huge heart to heart after many arguments over the past few weeks and he agreed to try one last time in september 09 :cheer: but the deal clincher was that he was allowed to buy an xbox 360... So the "can't afford anything" bullsh*t went out of the window then!!

I'm trying to get rid of OH's xbox 360 Elite!!! He couldn't afford my Birthday or Xmas last year, then in January he bought a bloody thing!!! And he only flipping uses it as a DVD player!!!

Lisa..........."accidentally" break it!! OH is on his Xbox all the time so I fiddles about with his internet connection and then he HAD to watch a film with me cos it wouldn't work!! :lol: :lol:
Am I the only one who isn't broody?? :lol:

I was broody straight after having Kieran but now I don't want anymore.

Im happy with my two boys :D
def not broody here, too busy havin fun with jam lol :lol:

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