Bringing up baby...


Well-Known Member
Jul 10, 2007
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Im interested to know what method people are or would be...

You HAVE to pick one... Vote and discuss!!

Its not on tonight booooo ssss!

The 1950s:

Dr Frederic Truby King's Strict Routine Method

BASICS: Discipline -- Predictability -- Early detachment of baby and mother -- Order -- One size fits all -- Start as you mean to go on

Feeding every four hours
Night feeds get dropped as soon as possible to minimise length of time parents' sleep is disrupted
Limiting the amount of contact between baby and carer – 10 minutes of cuddling per day
Baby sleeps in own room from day one
Baby spends several hours in the garden every day

The 1960s:
Dr Benjamin Spock's Baby and Childcare

BASICS: Acknowledges individuality -- Tailor-made routine -- Relieves parental guilt -- Balance

Every baby is different so scheduled feeds won't necessarily suit it
A baby will sleep through the night when it's ready
Babies need plenty of affection
Babies should start off sleeping in their parents' room
Breastfeeding is best – but a mother who decides against for whatever reason should not feel guilty
Parents should trust their instincts and not be put off by what anyone else is telling them
Mothers should get plenty of rest and draft in help if necessary
They should take time out for themselves
A new mother should remember that her partner was there first and can't be neglected
Dads should only get involved with childcare as much as they feel comfortable

The 1970s:
Jean Liedloff's Continuum Concept
BASICS: instinct -- Based on human evolution -- Community

Babies should be born at home
Breastfeeding should start within the first 20 minutes of birth
Bottle feeding is not an option
Feeding is on demand – scheduled feeding is banned
Babies should be held 'in arms' for the first six months – i.e. in a sling
Babies should sleep in bed with their parents
By enjoying such close contact with adults, babies will develop skills faster than other children
Babies should be brought up by the whole 'tribe' (friends, family, etc) rather than just by the parents
I'm definitely Dr Spock, I've done what comes naturally since day 1. But that has included a few things from the continuum concept that felt right.
Well I would love to say that I would follow one of these methods but the truth of it is... is that they all have good and bad points... and they are all way to constrictive...Children are very individualistic creatures... what suits one child, doesn't necessarily suit another, and you have to be really laid back.

Don't even bother with.. you can't do this or will not do this... because it just won't work... honest.

I love the continuem method... It's very paganistic, but again constrictive in its own rights. So I think Mr. Spock is the one for me... I kinda followed that when I had Tia, but with bits of the continuim mixed in.
maybebaby said:
I'm definitely Dr Spock, I've done what comes naturally since day 1. But that has included a few things from the continuum concept that felt right.

Same here. We like the idea of the 70's method but it's not always practical.
i put this in the other thread but ill put it here too just to cos im too lazy to type it again lol

Jams routine was:

Breastfeeding on demand - utterly exhausting and is only now being weaned at 13mths
In our bed - we lived with in laws so only had 1 room for us so Jam thinks he owns our bed and is always bloody in it
Wasnt in a sling enough cos Mike was always out so had no1 to help with shopping etc so he went in his pram but couldnt see me
Didnt have a great start in breastfeeding - I never wanted to do it but was bullied into it - OH is now buyin me new boobs for his troubles

i think if u take points of all 3 concepts ur onto a winner so for the next baby (god help it) this is what i will do :lol: :

Baby sleeps in own room from day one - 50s
Feeding every four hours - 50s
Bottle feeding from day one - 50s
In a sling for 6months - 70s

Jam was pretty much a 60s baby so iv learnt from that what not to do, of course a baby should be showered with affection whichs 1 things the 50s method is against

sorry for rambling :oops:
One thing with the 70's method and if you can't breastfeed. If you really, really wanted to follow that method and you couldn't breastfeed, the guilt you would feel would be tremendous. And the other thing with that is baby attached all the time even in bed when you are having sex, they are in the same bed. That is just wrong to me.

Next baby will be bottlefeed, have a flexible schedule in regards to feeting, will probably have a sling in the early days, have them in a playpen in our room for around 6 months. Lots of fresh air and walks. I guess I am a mixture.
babsi said:
One thing with the 70's method and if you can't breastfeed. If you really, really wanted to follow that method and you couldn't breastfeed, the guilt you would feel would be tremendous. And the other thing with that is baby attached all the time even in bed when you are having sex, they are in the same bed. That is just wrong to me

the continuum concept does address bottlefeeding, just says that if this is how you feed your baby you should get as much skin to skin so you can get the bonding. Its not against bottlefeeding, obviously breasteeding is the ideal but it does recognise that there are some mothers out there who are unable to do so for physical and psychological reasons. Also the continuum concept isn't as rigid as was made out in the programme, the idea is that the baby is part of the family, so they can be held by friends, family etc not just the parents. Also if you don't want to have sex in the bed with your baby its not the law that you have to - just go into a different room. It was based on observations of a tribe in the Amazon (I think that's the place) but followers of this method do adapt it to our way of life.
I have ticked the 60s method, but I would probably take something from all of them and make up my own method. :)

Like the idea of a sling, but probs wouldn't be a constant.
Not keen on continuous co-sleeping

Like the idea of showering baby with love and affection and trusting my instincts.

Like the idea of some routine...but a relaxed one that we find together.
Like the idea of all the nosey relatives refraining from smothering my child.
None of the above - a bit of everything - I'm her mum and I do what I feel is right - I wear my baby but I'm happy to put her down in her bouncer or her play mat (how else will she learn to roll/sit up?), she has a bedtime routine but I let her feed & nap when she wants during the day and I follow my instincts but breastfeed in public.

I didn't vote as I don't believe in following anything to the letter when raising your baby as every baby is an individual.

Valentine xxx
I voted Dr Spock but to be honest i will learn to figure out what's best for my baby and maybe use a little bit of the three, or maybe none of those techniques, who knows? i'm not sure i've never been a mum before and every baby is different
prob too many complaints. watching prog on c4 now from 21.00 - 23.00
oh ok i didnt watch it last week i forgot :eek: have to 4od it then :p
valentine said:
None of the above - a bit of everything - I'm her mum and I do what I feel is right - I wear my baby but I'm happy to put her down in her bouncer or her play mat (how else will she learn to roll/sit up?), she has a bedtime routine but I let her feed & nap when she wants during the day and I follow my instincts but breastfeed in public.

I didn't vote as I don't believe in following anything to the letter when raising your baby as every baby is an individual.

Valentine xxx


I have three completely different/individual babies, and with all three we've 'fallen' into our own pattern (apart from bedtime, I've always stuck to routine there)

What works for one might not work for another.

Mothers instinct is best! go with it! :lol:

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