We had quite a firm routine and he was swaddled in his moses basket in his own room every night. I also used to put him in his pram under the washing line most days. He liked to watch the washing blowing about, but he always had lots of layers, and was never left alone to cry. If he went to sleep I would leave him while I did the dishes or whatever, but I could always see him and he was never left to cry. We live on our own in a very rural area so no risk of anyone pinching him, or foxes!!
I also had a bit of a thing about him falling asleep in people's arms and would always pop him back in his moses basket before he actually did.
During his night time feed I always kept the night light on only and would never bring him downstairs or stimulate him, so he would realise that nights were for sleeping.
You'll probably all think I'm really hard but while I did all that, he also had millions of cuddles of eye contact during the day, and is my whole world.
I can kind of see where that woman is coming from and think perhaps that we used her technique loosely. It is of couse far too OTT, as are the others in my opinion. Every parent thinks their way is the best, and as long as there is an abundance of love I can't see that anyone would go too far wrong.