

Well-Known Member
Mar 25, 2014
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Hello ladies!
Just so seeing if anyone has the same or has any ideas... The last couple of weeks I've been getting breathless. It used to be if I was on my feet for a while but now I get an episode even if I'm sitting down! It just sort of hits me and lasts a few minutes. Sometimes my heart feels like it's beating really fast at the same time... I eat and drink properly and make sure I rest... I can't seem to find an association with baby movement of anything... I'm puzzled!!

Thanks!! Xxx
I got this in the third tri... I was anaemic which didn't help so maybe get your bloods checked. I don't think it was all to do with that though. It really scared me but I think it's normal! Xx
I googled and it mentioned anaemia... I'm getting bloods done on Wednesday so will see what comes back! Thanks x
Worth asking if someone could have a listen for a heart murmur. Xx
im anemic too and get the same problem. but what i cant stand is trying to sleep on my side and my lungs literally feel squashed!
Was it just a blood test to diagnose anaemia? I have other symptoms of it too (pale nail beds, tiredness, headaches) so I think it's a possibility x
I had this at 26 weeks, went to maternity unit at the hospital and they sent me for an ecg, a chest xray and a lung scan to make sure I didn't have a blood clot in my lungs. All came back clear thankfully but defo worth speaking to someone about!!xx
Hi hun, I get really breathless all the time, i end up having to take really deep breaths to get my breath back! I've been to drs and had bloods done and BP etc and all is fine, it's most likely just baby squashing all your organs, after 36 weeks when baby drops a bit it should ease! xxx

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