

Well-Known Member
Dec 3, 2009
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Well as you all know I had my heart set on 100% boobie fed baby but... Come 8 days old she just refused to suckle at the breast for the past week I have been expressing and giving her bottles then formula feeding and just expressing when I feel full ie once or 2x a day... I knowing I still have milk there my mw said to me to try breast then top her up with bottle as she isn't drinking much formula so increase my milk as she drinks 4-5 oz expressed milk but only 2-3 formula we don't think she likes the formula so now I have been putting her on breast then topping up she is having less and less formula but now this morning I fed her breast milk and then tried the bottle and she refused the bottle! I know this is a good thing but now I'm conceded is she getting enough milk????

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UNO being that I have only expressed 1 or 2 times a day??? Xx

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Well (even tho I seem to be talk to myself :rotfl:) Chloe has only had 2oz from the bottle today one first thing and another oz not long ago she is paying no interest in the bottle now and a little bit back when she was moaning we tried the bottle and she didn't want it (Just to see if she was getting something) and she wasn't interested at all - they tried the breast and she wasn't bothered either so I hugged her and my DH did too and she fell asleep and was quite content just being hugged for a bit soooooo my question is.... She must be getting enough from me right? She only drinks for like ten mins at a time ... If she was hungry surly she would cry for it even if we were holding her?? She keeps trying to latch on to anything around her but didn't bother when I tried to breast feed or bottle again so I think maybe she is just looking for something to suckle cox she was tired???? Ahhhh so frustrating not being able to see what she is eating someone please reply to me and help - I need answers or assumptions at least lol!!!!! She hasn't poohed today either but lots of wet nappies xxxx

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Sorry your talking to yourself hun. I read your sort earlier but because breast feeding unfortunatly didn't work out for me :( so i didn't want to read and run! Thought you would of had some replies. Anyway i think she must be getting all the milk she needs from you :yay: xx
Hi :)
I'm not sure hun, I guess if she's having lots of wet nappies and she's content that she's getting enough.
Sorry I'm not much help. x
I'm only a newbie myself but if she's hungry surely she'd let you know? Owen only ever feeds for 10 mins max, think he has a strong suck and me a quick let down and he's big and strong! He also loves to suck when he's tired and I used to think he was hungry. His dummy/soother calms him and helps him put himself to sleep...

good luck with it all, hope someone else know more!
It sounds very much like she is getting enough from you, if she is having lots of wet nappies she is def getting something. Is she putting on weight too? Grace lost weight in the first week I was breastfeeding, she lost about half a pound which is quite a bit - I topped her up with formula also but by 3 weeks old I moved to to just formula feeding. Most babies this age take around 3-4ozs I think from memory, I'm sure Grace only took around 3oz at each feed about every 4 hours. This increased quite quickly once feeding was well established. Is she sleeping well, can't remember exactly how old Chloe is but if she is not waking for a feed then she is most certainly geting enough I would say. :)
I don't know if she is gaining weigh yet from the bottle she is having 3oz before we just gave her a top up from the bottle to make sure she is getting enough and she only had 1 1/2oz so I know she has had at least that she went from 8lb 12 to 8lb 6 then I formula fed her for the week as she just refused to suck (she wasn't very well and got thrush in her mouth) so following what doctors said to express to keep up milk when she wasn't latching and to try her again bit by bit she is now latching and sucking again and refusing the bottle. She only went up to 8lb 8 that week she was being formula fed tho so thats why I'm concerned lol she is however having less time between feeds and is slightly more moany but I don't know if thats just coz she wants to be held haha! She was awake for like 20 mins earlier wide awake so she is very alert and she wasn't crying then so that's a good sign I suppose???

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Just had a look at what average feeding is for newborn, they say 2-3oz per lb in weight of baby is the amount they need a day. So if baby weighs 8lb, they would require around 16-24oz a day. Obviously this is for formula fed, but going off what you have said about how long she is feeding off the breast and what she is taking in formula sounds like she is def getting enough. Xxx
Hope so don't know if she was getting 16+ on formula before hand ohhh it's so scary not being able to see what she is eating!! Xx

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Isla has boob quite alot during the day. It feels like it's constant but it probably isn't. She lost 3oz in the first 5 days which I'm so pleased about as I was worrying she wouldn't get enough.

I just wish she would take bigger feeds and sleep longer!!
I know what you mean hunni, it is tough! I gave up after 3 weeks but she was losing weight so I didn't really want her to lose too much more and Grace seemed happier on formula. She was very content after feeding and would obviously go longer in between feeds and we got a good routine in place. He slept through very soon after moving to formula feeds. It worked for us so that's what we did :)
I remember how scary it was at first. I wrote down every single feed for nearly four weeks, what time and how long for. it was a bit of a security thing I think, OH took the piss! (in a nice way) Remeber when he fed for 5 mins every hour one day. Now he's found his own routine and feeding every 3 hours (well hope so-he's nearly 9 weeks! :)) Good luck girls and keep going :)
I breastfed my son for the first six months so it's not that I don't trust my body I just haven't been boob feeding constantly so even tho there is milk there I just don't know if she should be having more or not I know give it till monday when she gets weighed in I will be happy or not x

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Don't worry so much about the amounts she's getting - I know it takes a while to get used to the fact that you can't see how much they're drinking but if she seems content after feeds and is having lots of wet and dirty nappies a day then she should be getting enough from you - and don't worry about the length of time she feeds for either...Sam used to feed for hours for the first few weeks, but right from the start Toby would only ever feed for about 10-15 minutes at a time. In the hospital they told me that that wasn't good enough and that he needed to feed for longer but he didn't ever lose weight after birth so must just be a quick feeder! And well done for getting her back on the breast if you've got your heart set on it! :yay:
Thankyou :D yer really had my heart set on it want to breastfeed for 10 months I even have three breast pumps and I bought some nipple shields for when she is older coz my son bit me when he had teeth lol! And plan to express till she is over 12 months for her so well happy she is feeding again xx

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