Breastfeeding with teeth!


Well-Known Member
Feb 16, 2007
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This hasnt happened yet, but what have people done when their LOs have got teeth? Do you carry on BF then or is it far too painful?

I know some babies get teeth earlier than others and am not sure I could do it if Emms was biting!!! :shock: :shock:
I'm intrigued too. The idea quite scares me to be honest! Lol
Lucy had teeth from 3/4 months (sorry I can't remember exactly I'm a bad mummy :oops: ) and I continued to breast feed until 8 months.

She was really good, she caught my nipple a couple of times by accident and tried chewing on them a couple of times too but all I did was to remove her from the breast everytime she did it. Surprisingly she learnt very quickly!
Ryan had teeth when we stopped feeding but it was unrelated. As has already been said.. he bit a couple of times but it really wasnt that bad and he soon learnt when mummy jumped and moved the milkybars out the way that he wasn't gonna get any food if he carried on chomping me, so he just stopped doing it! :D
Alex is still a gummy wonder so I have yet to experience breastfeeding with gnashers lol
Breastfeeding with bottom teeth was fine, but it was quite painful once she got the top teeth through. Thankfully she was about 1yrs before that happened. I used to take her of if she actually bit me. I successfully BF until she self weaned at 20months.
lil miss has 2 teeth and she is still boob sucking.. :D Shes chomped on me a couple of times I think...usually when shes not pay attention and half asleep.
it's honestly not that bad. Asher has 3 teeth. He chomps down now and again but I can easily remove him and put the breast away.

It scared me too, but now I've experienced it, it's not half as bad as I'd imagined.

You can easily continue to breastfeed a baby with teeth.


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