breastfeeding while not co - sleeping, lot of Q's :)


Well-Known Member
May 25, 2007
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does anyone have any tips for this - I am finding it really tough and tiring, Darragh is 11 days old and feeds a lot, well I dont know what a lot is but it seems a lot, about every 2 hours and two spells of constant feeding for three hours twice a day or night.

I am thinking of introducing a bottle of formula for night time, but im not sure.

Also when is the best time to express - might try this option either - does it have to be a time when he wont need feeding for a while - and how much would I need to express to give him a decent feed?

Is it better to give one bottle of formula per day or top up feeds in between.

Sorry girls I am a complete beginner and on the verge of giving up breastfeeding altogether - thanks in advance for your help

:hug: :hug: :hug:
Sorry that you're finding it tough, the first few weeks are definately the hardest.

Breastfeeding 2 hourly is normal, as is the clusterfeeding as bub is both stimulating your milk supply and trying to feed more so he'll eventually start going longer periods.

Introducing formula at this stage would be detrimental to your milk supply, so I really wouldn't recommend it.

If you're going to express then it's best to do it right after he's fed, so you can boost your supply and you're not taking his next feed.

Breastfeeding is tough work, I really sympathise with you. What you're going through is normal and the best thing to do (if you haven't got other children) is to go with the flow, accept all offers of help for the housework/making meals, put your feet up and let him feed whilst you eat lots of yummy snacks, catch up on some tv/films and make sure you drink loads of water.

Good luck hon and keep us posted, you'll find lots of support on here :hug:

don't express until you've been breastfeeding for at least 6 weeks. Only then have your boobs got used to how much to produce etc, etc.

I expressed too early and gave myself really bad mastitis, believe me, you don't want that!

Hi ella,

You're doing a brilliant job, absolutely everyone struggles in the first few weeks of feeding as its so hard - if you keep going, you'll definitely reap the rewards, as its so rewarding once this hard part is over.

I didn't co-sleep really in the first few weeks either as I was so scared that I would smother DD as she was so small, but I soon got more used to her and co-sleeping came naturally. For the night feeds in the first few weeks, I kept her in a moses basket right next to my bed (so I didn't have to get up when she woke up) and sat up and fed her in bed, then put her back in the moses basket once she had finished and was winded.

As Kina says, cluster feeding and constant feeding is totally normal and this will totally settle down, I promise - if you plan to breastfeed, its important that you don't introduce formula as this may affect your milk supply (and a bottle as this may cause nipple confusion) until about 6 weeks. However, if you do decide you want to express now, I would try and express about 4oz, its unlikely he'll take more than this from a non-boob source (breastfed babies normally take much more at the boob and are more efficient at reaching the milk while breastfeeding than any pump).

Hope this helps - you're doing so well - let us know how you're getting on.

Valentine Xxx

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