Breastfeeding my little one - is she getting enough


Well-Known Member
Apr 27, 2006
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Hi Girlies,

My little one is 3 weeks old today and I have been breastfeeding her since she was born. Last tues the HV came to see me a day early as my LO was crying all the time and not sleeping. Turns out she was suffering from Colic and has been as good as gold since we started using infacol.

HV advised me to start giving LO a formula bottle at night so that I could have a break and becuase she had only put on 100g from the last week instead of 150g which is what they like.

Since giving my LO a bottle at night though, I feel she isn't taking as much from my breast. She only feeds every 3 1/2 to 4 hours and even then she falls asleep after 5 mins and it takes me nearly an hour to get her to have the recommended 30 mins of feeding. Also she has started sleeping through from 12.30am to 5.30am is this normal at her age?

Am I just stressing for no reason, should I be demand feeding my LO instead of waking her up.

Would really appreciate any advice from you.

Thanks a million

AngelFairy Xxx
i replid to this somewhere else! :think:

i replied in ask a mum
As they get better at feeding they don't need to spend as long on the breast. Ellie tends to only feed for about 10mins now. I personnally would carry on feeding reguarly and waking for feeds, however not everybody agrees with me. When Ellie had bad colic at one point she ended up only feeding for about 5mins for most of the feeds over a week as she was in too much pain. I was really worried she wasn't getting enough then when she was weighed she had put on 8oz in that week.
I totally agree with the above

HV advised me to start giving LO a formula bottle at night so that I could have a break and becuase she had only put on 100g from the last week instead of 150g which is what they like.

Tthis could get me started on a rant about stupid health workers who know sod all about breastfeeding but I will refrain. I really would not advise this, breastfeeding is completely demand and supply and introducing a supplement could reduce your milk supply. Perhaps your OH could give your LOo a bath or take her out for a walk so you could have a break, perhaps a long soak int he bath.

As for the weight gain, your LO sounds as if she is doing great. Breastfed babies gain weight differently to formula fed babies. Formula is made from cows milk which is designed to help calves put on weight rapidly whereas human milk is designed for humans. Aas long as baby is alert, giving wet and dirty nappies I would carry on doing what you are :hug:
I am having the same problem hun. Elora sucks for 5 mins then falls asleep, so I put her down and she wakes again straight after for more food. Its a pain :( I was also told to top up with formula, but im going to stop giving her the bottle and try breastfeeding everytime she wants food. I would suggest doing the same... but if doing both is working for you hun... then keep doing that. :hug:

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